YouTube- The Guardian God Jump - Halo 3 Here is a new jump (or at least think it's new) that I found on Guardian. You basicly just get yourself caught in the mancannon and hover there. Here is a little tutorial: Once you get on that branch, like in the video, look at the vine hanging off the building as a reference, like in the video. Once your lined up, hold forward and jump. Now right after you jump, hold back on the left thumbstick, so you will move backwards. Then right when you get caught by the manconnon, crouch up and down a few times and if you did it right, you should be caught in the mancannon.
Oh wow. I thought this was the old floating one until I saw the video. Nice! Although I doubt this would come in too handy... It's still pretty cool and some machinima could use it.
From my knowlage, this is host only... Its a good find tough, its possible on every map with man cannons to some extent, its just hard to do. Its like jumping down lifts except slightly easier -.- Its simmilar to this jump I found on epitath on the large gold lift to get above the large gold lift, but yep you geussed it. Host only.
I know one on the other lift. You equiptment jump backwards into the lift and you just float. If I had render minutes id show you.
I'm pretty sure that it doesn't matter if your host or not, because I think I did it as non-host. I'm pretty sure I did actually.
Oh wow. I can just imagine sitting at S3 looking around and seeing some random player just hovering there in air BRing everyone. Sexy find my good friend.
Yeah. I've done it a few times on accident while jumping but hadn't known how to do it. I think I have also seen this done on narrows... but that may have been done with regens or something.