An idea for a map just came to me that I need some people’s opinions on before I start work on it. I got the idea while thinking about the ONI building in ODST. The aim of the attackers (the covenant) would be to capture territories on the bridge before the time runs out, the territories of course being the bombs. The role of the humans will be to defend the ‘bombs’ until the timer runs out. To make this special though the humans and the Covenant will have different classes similar to in asset. I just want you're opinion if you think this will be any good or not.
That sound quite similar to AlphaSite by RedNeck. His is based off the AlphaSite bridge in ODST. Also, his is a territory capture game too. Here's his map, but maybe your idea is different from this...
I've not seen that map yet. Well i guess mine is going to be different and I'm just gonna have to try harder to make it better
Gameplay is going in the opposite direction... Beef is suggesting a HOLD mission for the ODST to defend... and having to arm plots(capture). In Red Neck it is a Territory game which ODST hold out as long as they can for the Attackers to take over the bridge. (No time limit for ODST to hold the front section... and can fight from the rear. I personally would love to see the two ideas mixed...but I don't think it will happen. I like Beef's idea just because it would be more of a challange and not making the ODST all powerful defenders, but what is the punishment for not capturing in order? I feel you would need to make it so you have to do it in order.... which would take some forge switch tricks... Good luck ... and I know you can do it if you stick to it Beef.
Thanks for the advice and encouragement G043R it's got me thinking, I'll throw together some plans tomorrow and edit them into the OP
The general idea has been tried many times as I have seen but none being recognizable as ONI. They each play differently depending on how they are set up. I really suggest making it compatible for all assymetrical gametypes so people can vary gameplay just make it best for a suggested one. Since you will only have the one path I assume, making the sides tailored to attackers and defenders is especially important, as is making movement more difficult when farther from your own side (supply lines).
Well the idea wasn't to make a map exactly like the oni bridge just a map based off of it. The bridge tha I am goiong to make will be similar but not the same.