I started thinking about what map I like forging on the most. I thought of the most popular maps I see and they all have huge differences. The maps I'll have in the poll are Foundry, Sandbox, Avalanche, Ghost Town, Longshore, Citadel, Heretic, Rat's Nest, Standoff, and Blackout. Foundry: has a good array of immovable objects, a lot of movable object, limited space, blank canvas Sandbox: best amount of immovable objects, almost no movable object, a good amount of space, blank canvas, three levels Avalanche: huge map with a good amount of immovable objects Ghost Town: nice size map with good elevation change which also makes it harder to forge on Longshore: big map with a good bit of possibilities Citadel: Medium size arena based map, great for MLG in my opinion Heretic: small to medium map with a lack of immovable objects but still good possibilities Rat's Nest: a large map that is great for vehicles with a middle area that is still good for pedestrians Standoff: large map with great elevation change that makes it slightly harder to forge on, it is great for vehicles Blackout: a medium to large map with lots of rooms that still has open areas and good lines of sight So just give me your opinion on your favorite map to forge on map and say why you like that map. Me personally I like foundry because it has a good amount of immovable objects and a good amount of movable objects. Also if you like a map that isn't in the poll just say what map it is.
I think the worst is Standoff. The only way to make fun and feel different is to make a small map in the bases alone or in an inclosed area.
This is where you say what you think the best map not the worst map. But while we're at that, Heretic is the worst. Longshore: Water and plenty immovable objects. Plus I've seen a lot of great gametypes and maps on longshore, and infection plays great on it. Otherwise I would say sandbox, but maps on sandbox seem to be repetitive nowadays.
Foundry are better because you need skill to forge on it ! Sandbox ... all are done you just need to place it ! Foundry have more cool stuff then sandbox so Foundry wiin !
Definitely that "easy" Sandbox only because it allows for so many more atmospheres with 3 levels. However, for me, I think the greatest maps make you feel like you are on a different map than what it was forged on because it's so good and could be its own map. For example, the cave maps like Hollow and Schism of Light are insanely good because they are so new and cool. Also, Sandbox has allowed Battle Tracks to flourish...
Oh yeah sorry I vote that Sandbox is the best because of the bigger budget, More objects, and the different kinds of floors with different kinds of feelings. And I think Sandbox is also pretty amazing becasue of the different elevations in the dunes with no guardians.
I love the flexibility of the sky bubble and the crypt. If only we could have had a better mid level sandbox would be perfect.
Yes Rats nest is pretty good but the only problem with it is blocking all the passages and doors to create a reasonable 4v4 map within the ring around rats nest.
Agree. If Sandbox had the nice, shapely, boxy items like Foundry and it didnt have rough textured walls and ground, then it would be amazing. Basically, Foundry with a basement, main floor, and skybox is the ideal forging atomspere that is reasonable being a video game designer.
I would have to say sandbox. There are so many possibilities when forging there! You have tons of scenery, good objects for making aesthetics/maps, and you have 3 different levels.
Sandbox. Versatility and ease are the two main components I look for when choosing a map to forge on. Sandbox's increased budget and more eclectic variety of forge items allow me to create more pleasing and intricate designs. Plus special objects (kill-balls, lights, columns) are great for special maps and cool components in a map.
I hate how dull most maps on sandbox look. Usually it's not the maker's fault, but there really is hardly any way to make aesthetic appeal on Sandbox. Despite this, I always find myself forging on sandbox. so... sandbox.
I'd have to say my favourite is Sandbox. I'm just a beginning forger, so i can't forge well on unusual maps (standoff, ghost town, etc.) even with ghost merging. So… Sandbox.
I was wondering the same thing, I don't know why I even put that map in the pole, it fails for forging. I should have put a pre dlc map such as Last Resort or High Ground.