ok here's my newest map its 1v1 and uses only a quarter of foundry, hoping that it will make for some fast gameplay. This took around 2 weeks of designing and this is the progress that I have after about a week of forging. The map should be ready for testing by christmas bread and here's the overview.
Looks good so far. I would've liked to see more be put into the preview, but it's nice. This took you a week though? I understand the need for neatness, but that's a long time. Nice job
well I'm not a 2hr forger a day I forge about 30 mins and day on this map total so yeah i probably could have got this far in 2 days if I would forge like I use too but I dont forge all that much anymore. And glad you liked it!
Hehe, I am building a map in that exact area. But for a totaly different game type. If you invite me to an XBL Game or add me, I can share some ideas I could not use in mine. I wanna see this shine, I have plans for it.
I started a project almost exactly like this before, but I found 1 quarter to be too small. Try using the other corner, and creating a sort of tunnel that connects the halves together.
@sarges ghosts::: Glad you like it and yeah ill be sure to add you soon you can check it out and help test soon enough if you want. @meltyourtv:::I want it too be small though I want it to be really fast paced gameplay. @Recon Speller:::Glad you like it too, when it comes down to testing ill be sure to invite you. Also I may add another picture when I get more progress done.