i would really like to know how the windows work... it looks very simple yet complex 0. 0 im a fan of your foundry map but this one just doesnt look amazing like your foundry one (maybe its cuz i havent played it yet and only looked at the pictures)
KA-BAM!!! Nice but still, the angry writing should stop, you dun want to has a ban or nutin. again, nice map debayter. The fact that theres no GM is impressive because it was done so well. we may even see greater things from you ----i dont know, try some GM and see what you can really do!
Ok this is how the windows work. its an ingenious idea that debayter and rival mass first thought of. The way a mongoose works is that you get in on one side, and you get off the other side. he used this to create an umbreakable window that simulates zombies crawling through but you can actually still shoot the zombies from the outside. ok the mongoose is basically suspended in place so that you cant drive it around you just can get in and out. but the humans traits dont allow them to ride on a mongoose. even if they could they wouldnt be able to escape.
It'll be explained more indepth when the guide comes out. But that won't be happening until some more of the maps get posted... waiting on Cowboy and Ell3ment mainly, since those two combined have the most maps...
I will later... but so far, only one of my maps uses any ghost merging at all. Not to mention I have a map that is ready to be released soon...
I don't think I've ever seen a linear progression map done on Blackout. Correct me If I'm wrong. Even then if there was another one, it didn't catch my eye like this one. I guess ever since ghost merging it's become much easier to block off certain parts of the map using next to no objects. However you did say you geomerged this normally before ghost merging even surfaced which makes it sound like you took more time on it at least. Not that there's anything wrong with ghost merging, it just takes a lot less time to do the same thing often with better results.
First off, great work. It isnt gonna leave my hard drive any time soon! + Great forging, its all very smooth as well. + Amazing use of Blackout, this allows for more interesting gameplay when you get to see new techtures then what your used to. + Gameplay is obviously good, I mean it is Judgement after all. - The only problem is the random weapon box occationally wont destroy the grav lift. Score: 9/10
I remember playing this with you a couple weeks ago. It was really fun (except that I started as a zombie almost every round). I remember thinking "he did a great job ghost merging this" until I found out that it wasn't ghost merged, wow. I can't believe Im the only person who took the extra 2 seconds to rate this map. I can't wait to see more judgement maps, I think Ill make one myself.
Hey I just thought I'd tell you that one of the windows toward the end of the can be easily broken. Might wanna look into that. Otherwise, this is still an awesome, awesome map =)
Yeah, I know which one you're talking about. It only happened in really laggy games though or when the host leaves the game. The windows are technically switches, and a lot of switched tend to malfunction with a lag spike. Nothing I can really do about it, especially when I'm out of objects.