Mythic DLC Judgment: The Tavern

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by cowboypickle23, Dec 4, 2009.

  1. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    Since Master Debayter has recently opened the doors to the judgment map pack, i thought i better get busy posting all my maps for it. The Tavern is a small judgment map that has a different gameplay value to it. most judgment maps have the room with the random weapon box at the end of a series of opening doors. But on this map, you start downstairs, and at one minuite the upstairs opens. quickly people flock there because it is an easy place to hold out. But what is different about the Tavern is that the RWB room opens from the downstairs. So people have a hard time going there because they are afraid of getting killled on their journey. This makes it so that people arent constantly camping the random weapon box and making the game unfun.I was the first person that built a judgment map on sandbox, so i had the challenge of morphing Masters, mechanics he used on Foundry for the Last Day onto sandbox. And i think i did a pretty good job because all the sandbox judgment maps ive seen have the same windows as mine.
    Enough with the talking, here are the pictures. ​

    This is the humans starting room. If you cant tell its shaped like an L
    This is the infected starting and respawn room. Each of the teleporters disperses you around the map. and at 45 seconds the door opens and you get a custom
    After a minuite, the upstairs opens and you can go camp all you want up there, but there is very limited ammo.
    and after some more time, the door to the room containing the RWB opens.
    And finally, an overview of the building

    If your confused about judgment or want to learn more about it, Master Debayter is working on a thread dedicated to just that.​

    #1 cowboypickle23, Dec 4, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2009
  2. Farbeef

    Farbeef Forerunner
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    agian cowboy pickle! you continue to amaze me with your maps. I like the random weapon box and I think it was intigrated well into the map. nice weapon layout. my only question is where did the name come from?
  3. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    this looks like a cool new addition to the judgement series.
    i like your new ideas you bring to the gametype. one minor flaw in the map is the second to last picture the block on the left is tilted up when you couldve ghost merged it into the ground/window piece to make it look perfect.
    also instead of wasting resources on making a timed door to open for the infected to get the custom you could easily just put it by one of the teles on a set spawn of 60 seconds. but then again that limits the custom to only one zombie, but is easily fixed by placing 4 total.

    other then this the map appears to be good. grats on first sandbox judgement day map
  4. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    Thank you fro pointing out the tilted box. i will most likely fix that and update. but i prefer the opening doors for the zombioes because once its opened it allows all zombies to get the CP not just a couple every 60 sec.

    DONT EAT A BABY Forerunner

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    This map is excelllent
  6. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    For some reason, this map reminded me a lot more of Nacht der Untoten than The Last Day. This map is some of your best work, Cowboypickle. The map is layed out so well that I think this map's layout defines what Judgment is meant to be. I also love the pallet door, very original and cool. The only problem with the map is that after you use the RWB, you can just look down, jump and hold RB to get any weapon you want. Otherwise, a fantastic addition to the map pack and a great map in itself!

    4.9856317436793285/5. DL'd :)
  7. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    thank you james.... and you shouldnt have told people how to cheat the weapon box haha. i tried to touch it up but you can still do it if done right.
  8. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
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    + Good forging.
    + Good use of the pallet/shield door thing, it was funny when people tried to break it down!

    - Up stairs seemed a little bit boring.
    - The teleporters were a little to close together, so people would get pushed into the wrong one sometimes.
    - The overall design wasnt all that interesting to me.

    Score: 7/10
  9. lightsin017

    lightsin017 Ancient
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    Josh.. we don't get to see the Amazing Man cannon thing on the wall :( lol XP

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