DescriptionHogcano Is A Large Volcano The Erupts With Warthogs & Destroyed Choppers. Try It With Custom Game Variants Shown Blelow. Weapons 1 Flame Thrower. If The Hogcano God Is Happy It Will Land In A Spot Where You Can Use It Tourist Hell Basic Game Info Tourist Hell Is A VIP Destination Game. It Involves 6 Players, 6 Teams ,6 Warthogs & A Chaotic Race To Your Check Points Around The Volcano. Time Duration Is 3:00 For 3 Rounds Or 15 Pts A Round. HogcanicKing Basic Game Team King Of The Hill, 2 150 Point Rounds. Your Score Is Only As High As The Lowest Scorer On The Team. Your Initail Spawn Is With 2X Overshield & Your Shields Will Never Regenerate & You Get A SMG & A Random Weapon. Download, (Hogcano Map) (Tourist Hell)(Hogcanic-King)
Lol looks great reminds me of hog the hill which is awesome. It seems like hardcore bumper cars with destinations and a twist. Also looks nicely forged good job 9/10 But why 13 minutes and 3 rounds seems a little lengthy.
Excellently forged, very clean, uniform and appears to bes smooth Ill download it to give it a try however Im curious why the hill is based around the entire map. It would make it impossible to score if even two people were alive. I however do like the VIP destination. Just in my opinion, I would scrap the VIP gametype and make it only KoTH with the destination in the same location as the VIP one.
The Round Will End Sooner When You If Reach 15 Points. Maybe 2 Rounds Would Of Been Good, But This Map Is Alotta Fun. Thank For Your Comment. The Game Variant Hogcanic King Has The Low Man Score Set Up. It Makes The Game Interesting & I Wanted To Experiment With That Idea. Thank You For Your Coment.
Um, there's something wrong with the map link. It says unable locate file! <:O Even though I can't download, it still looks amazing so awesome job! EDIT: I went to your fileshare and realized that "(Tourist Hell)" was not the map, although the link still doesn't work. The "(Hogcano Map)" link isn't actually a link at all. It's just text. Please fix!