Still working on my drawing. This is one of my first full composition pieces with a person in it. Charcoal. I know that his shoulder is messed up and his arm looks like a t-rex's arm when compared to the rest of the body lol. And don't even get me started on how much I hate the lips! DA LINK: Drawing 3203 by ~The-Whispy on deviantART
Yea all you have to work on it is to make the the man's features more proportional. It doesn't looks as bad as you think but there is definitely cleaning up to do. I like the background though.
Shading is really good, especially on the t shirt. I think the main flaw in the characters proportions are around the neck and lower mouth area. His neck is poised too far forward, like Rambo neck, and the lips don't give the right sense of depth when compared to the direction you are trying to tilt the head.
I always have that dinosaur issue, so I just stopped drawing people and started drawing dinosaurs. It has worked out quite nicely. I recommend it.