Sandbox Asset: Premise

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by winendine69, Dec 4, 2009.

  1. winendine69

    winendine69 Ancient
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    July 3 2051 15:42
    "So....we were informed not to long ago that we might have found what the covenant have been after this whole time. I assume the interrogation of Vergil was a success then; well that's what Sarge tells us anyways. The engineer has given us the exact location of whatever it is the covenant were after. If we get there before them, then this war should be pretty much wrapped up. We also have the coordinates of another location right around the same area somewhere in the premise of the desert. Its structure replicates that of a construction zone or oil bay structure. Intel suggests that it was abandoned after the covenant ground troops assaulted the building. Anyways; its about time to dust off. I'll get back to you after we complete the mission....."
    End Transmission - Pvt. Gavin Williams

    July 3 2051 19:54
    "I dont have much time...all i can say is we were wrong...we were very wrong. Covenant shot our bird down.. Asset being escorted the hell out of here immediatel...."
    End Transmission - Pvt. Gavin Williams

    Ok so thats the backround story, not much but something. Basically this map takes place after the crash of the unknown solider and the rest of his crew and Vergil. You must now hold off for 3 minutes until the emergency transport vechicle arrives for evac. You must protect the Engineer at all costs, he is the most important part of all of this. He holds the key to the end of this war, you cant let the covenent kill him or all of hope for mankind could possible be lost. Good luck.


    This is a holdout style map but also has an escort feel to it. You must make your way to the hornet spawn ontop of the 2nd tower. It's a little bit of a walk, enough to make it an escort becuase if you hold out at the bottom chances are when the hornet spawns the covenent will have destroyed it by the time you get there, so be wise. this incoorperates a lot of teamwork. if you dont use teamwork i can promsie that you wont win unless its 8 agianst 1 lol. there are many classes that are featured including: the chieftan, brute stalkers and jetpack brutes. Well enough talking how about the pictures?

    Attackers Spawn

    Defenders Spawn


    Ground view from crashed hummingbired

    Hornet Spawn

    Pathway to hornet(doesnt spawn till 30 secs. before hornet spawns)

    Structure 1(bridge to tower 2 spawns at 1 min

    Structure 2

    Back of structure 2

    Action Shots

    The ghost goes "OM NOM NOM"

    The banshee is creating love with its enemies

    I'm coming for you

    Trying to protect the asset

    Banshee vs. Vergil...Who will win?

    Ok well theres my map, please download and and leave a comment on the map. Thank you very much and have fun!!​


  2. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    #2 Rifte, Dec 4, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2009
  3. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
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    I'll consider this an early Christmas present ;)
    This map is just so epic I can't even put it in words!
    But whatever, those structures are amazing, the crashed vehicle is like omg and the gameplay looks awesome! Can't wait to try it out! :D
  4. winendine69

    winendine69 Ancient
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    Why thank you and um HO HO HO Marry Christmas lol im glad you like it =]
  5. The Bloody Beetroots

    Senior Member

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    So thats what all my render minutes were for?
    Anyways, I saw a preview earlier. Great look and idea, have not played it so can't comment on that however. I am attempting the first foundry Asset map and its looking good.
    You pioneered a new map for Asset, I love Asset.
    I love the "HummingBird" Dropship, and how it has crashed. Keep it up!
  6. winendine69

    winendine69 Ancient
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    thanks a lot for the comment and making the vid possible lol you sir are a good man lol but yes im currently working on about 3 or 4 asset maps and my assassins creed map(obviously 1 at a time lmao) but most are coming along good id be glad to share my ideas or even forge with you sometime
  7. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    Great map. Sorry i couldnt render the clip before, just got computer back a while ago and when i was gonna render the clip it had already big done :|. Anyways really good map, i really do like the ship like thing were people spawn! Also i think you meant hummingbird, not hummingbired, 5/5!
  8. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
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    why does it say asset map pack: Premise ?
  9. winendine69

    winendine69 Ancient
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    thanks very much for the comment jump man and its ok that you could render it dont worry bout it and its called asset map pack cuz i accidently named it that im trying to get an admin to change it now sorry.
  10. SpamRabbit

    SpamRabbit Ancient
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    oh ok. I played this map a while ago, I didn't lvoe it or hate it but I thought that just holding out for the bridge to spawn was a challenge. nice hummingbird and video though, a nice adition to the asset list.
  11. suriname2

    suriname2 Ancient
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    Very cool, aesthetically. I particularly like the hummingbird, the red light base (neat lamppost), and the tunnel leading to the hornet.

    Assuming the banshee isn't overpowering, this looks quite fun. Downloading...
  12. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    This map was very fun to play on. I loved the aesthetics, and the gameplay was fun and unique. I especially like the crashed Hummingbird. Nice job, 16.
  13. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Got to say, this might be the most fantastic asset map i've seen! I bet if you put a wall around the area, you could turn it into a really cool slayer map! (unless you're out of objets)
  14. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    I'm glad you put so much time into testing and fixing this because it turned out pretty fun in the end! The first platform always seemed a bit rushed and useless because the bridge would spawn so fast though. Still, another fun Asset map!
  15. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Humming Bird, eh?

    OMG, this map is AMAZING. The Humming Bird is definitely one of the coolest things I've ever seen in Forge. Gameplay looks amazingly fun, and Structure 2 - O... M... ****ing G. Incredible. This map is definitely one of the best-looking maps in the map pack. 5/5 and DL.

    Btw, Rifte Gifle, Stealth95Sneaker and TailsIce - The video is EPIC! VERY good use of the music.
  16. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Stealth and Tails didn't make the video... I just begged them to render the clips for me :p
  17. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Wow, quick reply. 2 minutes, was it?

    Lol well good job man.

    You are, eh?
  18. winendine69

    winendine69 Ancient
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    Wow thanks for all the comments, as for the banshee issue, in my opinon it makes the gameplay how fun it is, its like a boss battle eachtime if you want to say. And im very happy everyone likes the hummingbird *happy face* lol. and as for putting a wall around the map i would have done that along with a lot more but i used a normal sandbox canvas and i have no more objects sorry =[. and as for gunner grunt yes lol im glad you appreciate how much time i put into fixing this lol i have to say though rifte did give me advice (like adding guns on walls to see it better and moving the vechicles some.) so thanks. And yes thanks to everyone who helped make the vid especially rifte he had to put up with me this whole time lol. and to sarges ghost melt your tv did make an asset map on foundry already sorry but im sure it will be amazing when its done! anyways agian thanks for all the comments im glad everyone likes it.
  19. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    sorry to tell you kid but someones already got you beat. :)

    anywho. YOUR map looks fantastic. i love love love love LOVE the crashed hummingbired it looks quite fantastic.

    as for the map itself: it seems like there is very sparse amount of cover/places to hide in for the VIP's team thus making it a lot harder for the defenders.

    i havent played on it yet but i would assume that literally all of your base has no cover that this asset map would be near impossible to win. (depending on how fast that hornet gets its ass over here)
  20. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    This makes number 2 on my top three favorite asset maps. The gameplay is very enjoyable and fast paced especially the time waiting for the bridge to spawn i have never however seen anyone win on this map nor have i ever won on this map but the way you made it so the whole base forces everyone to move around instead of staying in one spot till the hornet spawns. great work. 5/5 if you enjoy asset dl this map

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