Is there anyway possible to stop it? Also have you had one? Me you ask? Well I've had two in my time. Surely? this is call of duty by the way...
I've had thoughts that if you call in an EMP right after a Tactical Nuke is called in that it may prevent the nuke, but I'm not sure. It's just a theory.
I tried that, it doesnt do anything except you dont see the countdown. Strange since there is almost always something to check something elses power.
Put simply, there is nothing that can prevent a tactical nuke. If you're on a 25-kill streak, your team deserves to win.
I'm fairly certain that the score freezes in place when a nuke is called in. However, you are correct that EMPs can only delay a nuke before it gets called in, it cannot disable an already activated nuke.
Actually you can sometimes prevent it. If you notice someone on the other team with an abnormal amount of kills and you think they're on their way to getting 25 kills, know their gamertag, and if they kill you, use the killcam to your advantage to find their location, and take 'em out. If you think I'm talking out my ass, I'm not. I did just this last night. The guy had 23 kills and 2 deaths and I didn't want to take any chances, I managed to kill him, and later we went on to win the game. If the nuke is already on it's countdown you can't prevent it like the other people have said. I sadly haven't gotten one and I seriously don't think I ever will.
I saw a youtube video where someone tried to stop a nuke with an EMP, and it didn't even slow it down. So a couple of days ago I got a 27 kill streak, but I didn't have the nuke attatched. The kicker? I didn't get any kills with my predator missle, so if I had that switched out for the nuke, I would have had it
Same thing happened to me the other day, although I went on to have a 30-0 KD (don't ask me how). IMO, the nuke is all but worthless. Most people care about their KD more than their win to loss ratio, so it would be a waste of a kill streak, imo.
Its only the 6 year olds that would have a nuke on. They think OMGOMGOMG I HAVE A NUKE ATTACHED WHEN I GET IT I'M GONNA BE SO GOOD AND EVERYONE WILL THINK I AM AWESOME BECAUSE I GOT SOMETHING THATS HARD TO GET IN A ****ING VIDEOGAME! (Even though they never get one.) But for srs, having a nuke on is a waste of a killstreak. There is a very low chance you are going to get one.
I think the nuke is a waste, but when in a party, I recommend having your best player have it equipped, just in case as a last resort before losing. Otherwise, if you were on a 25 Killstreak, wouldn't you want to continue to get kills instead of ending the game? I can see if you want the Challenges, or if you died and want to take your rage out on those who killed you, but other than that, it's a waste. EMP prevents use temporarily, but you would have you use it before the use the nuke, you can use this to your advantage because you can prevent more than just a nuke, like say Chopper Gunner or AC-130 after Harriers, so they can't continue their streak as easily, then hunt 'em down like Agamer said. Stealth Classes are so useful.
Lol my class is lightweight pro+marathon+ninja pro with an acr holographic and dual rangers. Nobody ever gets giant streaks on me because I am the anticamp. I throw a C4 to get attention, than headshot. Thats how you prevent a nuke. I've never had one used on me, but I stopped a guy at 23 when I joined late. He killed me once, and I gave him his first death with a headshot from my rangers. I guess it's not exactly stealth though.
I think someone in my FFA game got a nuke from a care package. Proof-> he went 12 and 9 or he hacked...
lolz, you cant get nukes from a care package. emergency airdrop- maybe. what a hacker. IVE NEVER SEEN A NUKE. it pisses me off.
A lot luckier then me. First game I join I hear that it's over. I'm thinking,'what's going on? Game's still going.' But then, I see the countdown on the screen and I get nuked. Wasn't in the game longer then 10 seconds. That really sucked.