Sandbox Eye of ra

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Plague Fiend, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. Plague Fiend

    Plague Fiend Ancient

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    This map is designed for up to 4 team doubles, FFA and team slayer. The map consists of a smaller internal area and a larger outside area. Inside the hollow pyramid are two bases that are suspended from the ceiling and each base is offset and facing the other. There are 2 levels per base, each base is accessible by terrain, two-way sending nodes and the opposite base. The bases consist of 2 two-way sending rooms, walkway, stairwell and response rooms. The design of the bases includes slitted walls, open walkways and windows. In addition, there are limited weapon spawns within the bases, and no power weapons. This makes it harder to hold the bases themselves and creates a larger game play environment. The main floor consists of two battle rifles, shotgun, active camo and the sending nodes. The inside of the pyramid is accessible by the ghosts and has limited cover, including rock formations and the bottoms of the bases themselves. Outside, there are 4 team double, FFA or team slayer spawn points. The spawn points are front courtyard and sniper spawn, back courtyard and spartan laser spawn, east and west sides with ghost spawns. Also, there are rock formations for cover and to provide elevated attacking positions. Top of pyramid has 2 two-way sending nodes that are separated and allow access to both bases. My gamer tag is Plague Fiend and the map and pic's are in my file share/screen shots. The map design changed while constructing, due to the limit of the total # of items allowed on the canvas. Last, the visual effect is gloomy, and allows for more difficult gameplay.


    10 Battle rifles
    2 Assault rifles
    1 Sniper rifle
    1 Spartan laser
    1 Shotgun


    2 Ghosts

    #1 Plague Fiend, Dec 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2010
  2. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i dont see a link. anyway. this is by far the gretest pyrimid on sandbox. usually people make them by just stacking blocks but this is amazing. very nice.
  3. ..::Brotherston!x

    Senior Member

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    HAHA POST FAIL=no dl link?
    but really its a good map, nicely ghost merged
    gameplay looks as if it will be good
    perhaps close the outside for an epic br dome
  4. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Download Here

    I don't know how this will play, but I like the aesthetics overall. Seems like the map would play better for one bomb and one flag than doubles, but that's just me.
  5. simonstwin

    simonstwin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Amazing gameplay.

    Not only is this the only good pyramid, but the tactics change completely from any other map or gametype. Aerial attacks and views from within a closed spaced changes everything.

  6. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really like that you not only took into account the outside aesthetic look of the pyramid but also the inside. It looks very unique and fitting in there and the gameplay is quite amusing. I played a little 2v2 earlier on it and it was kind of fun just getting into the pyramid with ghosts lurking around...
    #6 Phenomenal, Dec 3, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2009
  7. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    The map looks nice, but do not post four pictures of the same thing. I would suggest using the one with fancy lighting with the name of the map superimposed for the title. Your objective is to make your post detailed yet easy to read and understand, otherwise people will press back and ignore your map no matter how great it may be.
    1. Post your pictures vertically so only one scrolling direction is needed
    2. post pictures that show the structure of the map
    3. post your link as the title picture or like this:
    Eye of Ra
    The map is great although I am skeptical about gameplay. So if you want people to take the time to look at your map, you need to take the time to make it easier to view and understand. A longer description later helps, including gameplay, along with action shots to show you actually tested it.
  8. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That /is/ a very nice pyramid. And the layout inside is nice too. But why are there 10 BRs and only 5 other weapons, 2 of which you most likely spawn with? Some more variety in the weapons would be nice, if that would work with the gameplay.
  9. SMP

    SMP Ancient

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    the pyramid is pretty cool, but i think the inside could be more complex(it seemed a little too hollow) and also you can use the ghosts to climb the slope to the top, and storm those inside very easily.
    also get rid of the gloomy effect and it will be a good map
  10. SMP

    SMP Ancient

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    actually i did download the map before i posted, and yes you CAN drive ghosts up the side, it's actually quite easy (i'd be happy to post a screenshot of this). and when i said that people can storm into he base, i didn't mean that the ghosts could go through teleporters or fit in the entrances to them, but when i was playing with a buch of people, after i discovered that ghosts can climb the sides, everyone started doing it and stormed in through the top. also i understand that you hit the object limit but the outside could use a bit more cover(maybe the lobby inside as well). and the gloomy being your choice is fine, i know they add to the atmosphere... but i personally just find them distracting and annoying.

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