Sandbox Survivial on the Wasteland

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Obibital, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    Finall it has been completed!​

    Survival on the Wasteland has far surpassed my expectations on enjoyability and is my biggest project to date
    (Horray for self achivement!!)​

    If you dont like reading, go to the bottom for the video


    'Keys' are located in the area under the kill balls

    There is an 8 Min Time limit

    Little Weapons and ammo, most comes from enemys.

    VIP Team
    The point of the SotW game is to find one of the two keys (power drains) from the map and bring it to Raven Rock (Red Building) to break open the fusion coil door.
    To do this you need to reach several basic requirments
    1. TeamWork
    Like most of my games, this one involves the use of team work or it will simply spell DOOM.
    2. Use of cover
    Because this map covers all of sandbox's middle floor you are going to have to use all the cover you can get from the bombarding Hordes of enemys. your sheilds recharge very slowly and if you take damage GET DOWN.
    3. Watch the VIP
    In large games the likelyhood of your VIP being assasinated is greatly increased. you may think "Its a huge map, Well See them coming a mile away!"
    Although that may be mostly true, if you only stay in the open you will be killed, even more so if you are not the VIP.
    When in buildings you may be attacked from several locations, so always make sure your VIP is safe.​

    Enemy Hordes
    Hello evil attackers, your job in the wasteland is to stop the VIP from getting to the your main base (Raven Rock)​

    To do this you are equipped with numerous weapons and bases, along with several Vehicals​

    Your team must also have Plenty of teamwork to bring the others down, along with smart use of weapons and attacking all at once instead of one at a time.​

    Locations can be defined by the direction from when you spawn, Left or Right.​

    Some Say this is a simpler path, more cover, but less convienent. Lots of Vehical Danger and attackers from all around.

    Start Point
    Take a left

    Small Home
    Greay Cover point for the first attack

    Radio Station
    Take Cover in the building for the Warthog Attack

    Rubble Bunker
    Machinegun Turret inside, break it, then use it on the Hogs'

    Enclave Base
    Can be defended pretty well, KEY LOCATION

    Be ready for this, a well planned attack could spoil you fun

    Final Stretch
    Still be careful, have a sniper take out anyone on the turrets

    Raven Rock
    Run for it!!!!!
    Throw the Power Drain inside to blow up the door.

    The Right Path is actually more difficult
    Although the key MAY spawn right there, theres minimal over on the path. But there is Vehical damaging weapons.

    Start Point
    Take a Right

    Raider Infested Town
    GASP!! a key RIGHT THERE!!
    Also Infested with raiders
    And it might not spawn there.

    Get in for cover, Use the Plasma Pistol Inside for taking out Vehicals.

    Lots of empty, little cover

    Small Bunker
    Sniper Rifle..... Thats it

    Raven Rock
    Use the Power Drain and Get it

    You may want to turn your volume down, its terribly voiced over and i may kust do it again.

    YouTube- Halo 3 Sandbox - Survival on the Wasteland

    Survival on the Wasteland

    Have a Good Time

    If you think the video should be Re-Voiced over please tell me, im sorry for my crappy mic.
    #1 Obibital, Dec 3, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2009
  2. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Finally posted, eh?

    So much testing was involved in this one, and I'm sure the map has changed a bit since I last had a game on it. However, I can say that it was a fun map to play on, and the experience tends to change around every game.

    Great job Obi, I'll download this later when I get on Halo 3 (from your file share directly, of course).
  3. stoyben

    stoyben Ancient
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    I remember testing this with you great ideal love this game 5/5, teamwork is a key that some people need to learn and this map can help you with that :) the only flaw with this was the spawning did you fix it ? whatever, its a geat map.
    #3 stoyben, Dec 3, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2009
  4. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    Looks really interesting and i agree with what everyone else said it looks like a high team oriented game which is always fun. Ill dl and try to play it. It looks really good.

    PS is this at all related to borderlands???????
  5. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    I did actually, this is now used with even teams

  6. kooljon92

    kooljon92 Ancient
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    concept is very nice, could use some help with your buildings though. hey if you would like u can pm me and i can help you forge some of your buildings. anyway, its pulled off but yeah going through your buildings there are little flaws. 3/5
  7. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    I remember testing this out and I was in the video! First time.

    It was really fun to play on, and you had to be really careful, especially with those warthogs. You can't let them pin you. It's pretty hard to kill the attackers, and if I get the chance to I want to play this with a bigger team. The only thing I don't like is that it's really hard to kill the warthog, especially if it's pinning you down. There isn't too much cover, so it makes you think about where you go and how you get there.

    Anyway, it was a really fun game and I'm glad I got to test it. Oh yeah, I like the repeat since I was the one who raped that guy with the special class.
  8. xX WormBoy Xx

    xX WormBoy Xx Ancient
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    I love your Fallout 3 reference! In fact, the title was what lured me to the map in the first place. It looks like a great tactical map, will download and give it a go.
  9. Fire Phoenix117

    Fire Phoenix117 Ancient
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    OMG look what the purple dinosaur brought to show the class. =) This is a fan fav of mine obi Why am I not in the Video Super sad face. =(
    Great map and very fun
  10. Farbeef

    Farbeef Ancient
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    Yay i just went back to playing fallout 3 and was thinking about remaking part of the fallout map in halo. you did one better and created a whole game! looks fairly similar to fallout but the forging only looks mediocre, cool gametype though :) if you think its worth it i would suggest making a V2.
  11. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Super sad face. I'm not mentioned at all in the thread, and the game was based off of one of my ideas! I'm going to go cry now.

    *Wipes tears from eyes red from hours of crying*

    Okay, initial offense aside, the map looks rather good. I always wanted to make a one-sided game (either VIP or Territories) that took of the entirety of the main level, but I guess I don't have to because you made it for me without even acknowledging my existence. I like the other structures you added since I first saw it; they look nice, and I'm glad you got the key-card switch working perfectly (sorry I couldn't help there because of the lag).

    I look forward to playing it with you.
  12. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    i sorry

    i completely forgot you were the one to inspire me, then again im not one to remember anything all to well. And i hope to see you in some games as well.

    Who knows... if this turns out to be somewhat of a 'Hit' i may make a more balanced V2
  13. Estmid

    Estmid Ancient
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    Ahh, i heard of many people talking of this map, they called it Halo 3 fallout. I can't wait to play it and so many people say that the playability is great. So far i'll Download and try it out. Great job so far! <(@_@)<
  14. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    alot of people?

    it only has 27 downloads
  15. lightsin017

    lightsin017 Ancient
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    Good Job on the Map Obi alot of fun times on it XP i rate it 5-5 u did a brillant job thinking of a great fall out genre for sandbox

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