I did this for ODST as well. Anybody else out there finally beat Echo and get your last two achievements? I did a couple days ago with a little help from a buddy. Wasn't the hardest achievement I've every done but, holy **** it was fun. Anyways, anything you guys liked or disliked about the achievements this time around? I have no complaints. How about any memorable things that happened? Like the fun we had running around the favela dodging juggernaut bullets for like 10 minutes screamming for our dear lives on High Explosive. For the record, I'm an achievement *****...I think I've said that before.
Yea the only achievement i need is the one for getting all 69 stars in spec ops, any tips on how to beat high explosive on veteran?
High Explosive is the one with 15 Juggs right? If so, Start up with a friend (can be yourself) and go through the level until you've hit a ladder and platform, go up the ladder and if your by yourself, place three claymores at the ladder. Otherwise, Juggernauts will just keep coming, and if you find that they don't come for a while, use your G-Nade Launcher to blow up the tanks at the far end and they should come. On-Topic (Wasn't really off but oh well) : My friend has 1kGS for MW2, I was the one who helped him, actually we both got the 69 Stars in it. Also, if High Explosive is something else, the one with Favela Juggs, I can get a walkthrough-video for, I can post it here if you want.
Here is the cheap but easy method for High Explosives. YouTube- High Explosive- Modern Warfare 2 (veteran) I almost have all 1000g for MW2, I think I only need around 40 or so. The campaign and spec ops was tons of fun btw.
A kid at my school skipped for 2 days and got all the achievements...it goes without saying that hes a douche. My buddy and I did the cheap way on high explosives it was pretty funny.
Same here, my friend was the guy at the door and he said he was pissing his pants he was scared. I tried to throw C4's out there but that didn't work.
I got all 1000G a few days after the game was released. Veteran playthrough --> regular playthrough for intel (skipping a lot of levels, because i found over 1/2 in Veteran) --> Spec-Ops with my brother. Wasn't really that hard, with the exclusion of 4 or 5 Spec-Ops mission that require decent plans to pass.