Jungle Patrol (Jungle Top v2) Map made by Federaltag First off let me say that I am sorry for so many pics. It's just that I couldn't get very well singular shots. This map was a blast with my friends. CTF was insane. While jumping from roof to roof you had to be careful that someone doesn't flank you.This map also supports SWAT, and Slayer. Jungle Patrol is v2 of jungle top. As you know from last chapter(story) that their are little provisions and you must fight to survive. Yet now the U.N.S.C. has come and helped rebuild what was lost to the brutes. During reconstruction, there was an accident an the main base was destroyed outside of ghostown's walls. So this time they built many air support bases inside the city. Not realizing that now you can literally jump from edge to edge. These are the reconnaissance photos of what is now installed. Right Side view of main platform Left Side view of platform and air bunker Air bunker Front of platform Underneath bunker Boardwalk cover Boardwalk cover 2 Side of guards station and walkways Guards station Guards station 2 Walkway up to brute shot Cover from fire at guard station Side view of walkway across from G.S. Plenty of cover No more shadows for cowards Warning while during gameplay my friends came across this weird glitch. The walls turn invisible but thet are still there. If you look closely at pictures you can notice that the bullets hit the wall but there is no wall. Sniping point1 Sniping point2 (Invisible wall) Night Patroll I kill you Lights on in bunker Walkway to bunker battle Jungle Patroll Night Patroll I trully would enjoy having your feedback and comments. Thank you for viewing this presentation. More maps on the way....
Im glad to see a map thats not on avalanche, glad to see one on ghost town, looks unique and well made, have to test it to get a real idea though
Well I wasn't going to say anything, but could you please change the title to say Jungle Patrol, with one L. sorry, anyway, as a map this looks very solid, can't wait to play it.
Jungle top was a cool map and i like this one too, i would consider you build something on foundry tho, the new maps just dont appeal to me as much
I'm just happy that your making something on Ghost Town. I love Ghost Town and the Planks are super useful when forging things.