Halo 3 Weapons Chart (Fill 'er Up!)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Okage4, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is NOT me wanting Bungie to put in more weapons. This is for pure entertainment value.

    We all know that there are many different weapons and vehicles, some different, some similar. In Halo 3, what Bungie has provided us with is perfect, I personally have no complaints about it. But...what if you COULD add some more weapons and vehicles, just for the hell of it?

    I have created a chart of sorts. It has all of the current weapons and vehicles. This chart sorts each weapon and vehicle by which Race made them (Human, Covenant, and Brute [yes, Brutes are part of the Covenant, but they have enough weapons made by them in Halo 3 to get a slot all to themselves]) and what sort of weapon they are (Heavy Weapon, Sniper, Pistol, etc. etc.)

    This chart has many MANY MANY empty slots...but, I'm going to leave it up to the Forgehub community to fill them. Go wild, use your imaginations. Don't be afraid to go over the top. And yes, over time, I WILL fill up the chart with submissions.

    Any slots that were originally filled by someone else ARE submit to be changed at my discretion. It's a ****ing chart for entertainment purposes, don't get so butt-hurt about it =P if you get replaced, I'll at least put you in the Honorable Mentions section.

    Update (1/2/10):
    So, the chart is almost full. I'm pretty sure that's putting a restriction on your imaginations, so...it's time for expansion. Come up with some new weapon/vehicle categories!!! Yaaaaay!!! Also, I'm adding an Equipment chart. Have fun creating, kiddies!

    Update [1/11/10]:
    Adding two new weapon categories and a new race: the Forerunners. Yeah, I know you're excited for that. Have fun imagining up stuff for the enigmatic race.

    Update (1/16/10]:
    Adding another two new categories, but for Equipment this time: Air Support Equipment and Security Equipment (special thanks to mikelp for the idea).

    If you're going to submit a new weapon/vehicle/equipment category, please using the following form:

    Weapon, Equipment or Vehicle?:
    (You don't have to, but to make it easier in everyone, make sure that the description isn't too specific. You want to be able to have a broad variety of these.)

    Category: Mechs
    Weapon or Vehicle?: Vehicle
    These are mechanical suits that soldiers may use in the battlefield for various uses and in many situations.

    If you're going to submit a weapon/vehicle, please use the following form:

    Weapon, Equipment, or Vehicle?:
    (Human, Covenant, Brute, or Forerunner?)
    Type: (Please see the chart for available types)
    Description: (How does it work? If you don't have any image, what does it look like? Does it have a secondary use like the Plasma Pistol? For vehicles, does it have a secondary function? What buttons do what?)
    (Optional) Image (Handrawn or Computer Generated are acceptable):

    Weapon Chart:

    l Human l Covenant l Brute
    l Forerunner
    Standard Rifle l Assault Rifle l Needle Rifle (details) l Spike Assault Rifle (
    details) l Sentinel Beam (?)
    Headshot Rifle l Battle Rifle l Carbine l Chieftan's Rifle
    (details) l Ghost Shot (details)
    Sniper l Sniper Rifle l Beam Rifle l Slugger (
    details) l ?
    Duals l SMG l Plasma Rifle l [COLOR=Orange]Spiker [/COLOR]
    l[COLOR=Orange] [COLOR=Cyan]?[/COLOR][/COLOR]
    Pistols l Magnum l Plasma Pistol[SIZE=3] l [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=Orange]Mauler [/COLOR][/SIZE]
    l[SIZE=1][COLOR=Orange] [COLOR=Cyan]?[/COLOR][/COLOR]
    Headshot Pistols l Automag l ? l ? l ?

    Heavy Wep. l Rocket Launcher l Fuel Rod Cannon[SIZE=3] l[/SIZE][SIZE=1] [COLOR=Orange]Brute Mortar [/COLOR][/SIZE](details) l[SIZE=1][COLOR=Orange] [COLOR=Cyan]?[/COLOR][/COLOR]
    Super Wep. l Spartan Laser l Emissary
    (details) [SIZE=3]l [/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=Orange]Storm [/COLOR][/SIZE](details) l[SIZE=1][COLOR=Orange] [COLOR=Cyan]?[/COLOR][/COLOR]
    Grenade Launcherl Bomb Rod
    (details) l ? [SIZE=3]l [/SIZE]Brute Shot l ?
    Melee l Combat Knife
    (details) l Energy Sword l Gravity Hammer l ?
    CQC l Shotgun l Stinger
    (details) l ? l ?
    Oddities l EMP Gun (details) l Needler l Gravity Gun (details) l ?
    Heavy CQC l Flamethrower l Plague
    (details) l Reaper (details)l ?
    Heavy Anti-Vehicle
    Missile Pod
    l Quad Tracer (details) l ? l ?
    Turrets l Machine-Gun Turret
    l Plasma Cannon l Beamer (details) l ?
    Big Turret l Gauss Turret l Shade l
    Pounder (details)l ?
    Grenades l Frag l Plasma l Spike l ?
    Grenades+ l
    Nitrogen Charge (details) l Bouncer (details) l Firebomb l Vapor (details)

    Vehicle Chart:

    Scout l Mongoose l Spook (details) l Ripper (details) l ?
    One-Man l Bulldog (details) l Ghost l Chopper l ?
    Mutli-man l Warthog l Spectre l Prowler
    l ?
    Tank l Scorpion l Wraith l ?
    l ?
    AA Tank l Wolverine (details) l AA Wraith l ?
    l ?
    l Hornet l Banshee l Lurker (details) l ?
    Juggernaut l APC(details) l Scarab l Corporeal (details) l Controller (details)
    l Pelican l Phantom/Spirit l ? l ?
    Mech l Overkill (details) l Stalker (details) l ? l ?
    Bomber (details) l ? l ? l ? l ?
    Large Ground Carrier l Elephant l Shadow l ?
    l ?
    (details) l Kangaroo (details) l ? l ? l ?

    Equipment Chart

    Movement l Rocket Boots(details) l Grav Lift l Jump Pack (details) l ?
    Defense l Repulsion Field (details) l Regenerator l Cloaking l ?
    Defense+ l Bubble Shield l Deployable Cover l Invincibility
    l ?
    Vision Disruption l Smoke Bomb (details) l ? l Flare l ?
    Tech Disruption l Serene Shielder
    (details) l Paranoia (details) l Radar Jammer l ?
    Offense l Trip Mine l Watcher (details) l Power Drain
    l Auto-Turret
    (details) l ? l ? l ? l ?

    Air Support (details) l Mac Caller (details) l ? l ? l ?

    Crypto nv - Forerunner Headshot Rifle - Ghost Shot (details)
    Flameblad3 - Forerunner Juggernaut - Controller (details)
    HydroZoid - Forerunner Grenade+ - Vapor (details)
    Rorak Kuroda - Brute Oddity - Grav Gun (details)
    Krazy Kumquat - Brute Sniper - Slugger (details)
    Flameblad3 - Brute Standard Rifle - Spike Assault Rifle (details)
    Flameblad3 - Brute Scout - Ripper (details)
    PRSplayer42 - Brute Air - Lurker (details)
    XxSpix - Brute Juggernaut - Corporeal (details)
    XxSpix - Brute Big Turret - Pounder (details)
    Foyoman - Brute Turret - Beamer (details)
    Ozarka - Brute Headshot Rifle - Chieftan's Rifle (details)
    PRSplayer42 - Brute Heavy Weapon - Brute Mortar (details)
    xX WormBoy Xx - Brute Super Weapon - Storm (details)
    XxSpix - Covenant Offense Equipment - Watcher (details)
    Bubba Doongai - Covenant Scout - Spook (details)
    SilverOrange - Covenant CQC - Stinger (details)
    iDieAgaain - Covenant Standard Rifle - Needle Rifle (details)
    PRSplayer42 - Covenant Heavy CQC - Plague (details)
    Okage4 - Covenant Super Weapon - Emissary (details)
    Okage4 - Covenant Mech - Stalker (details)
    Okage4 - Covenant Tech Disruption Equipment - Paranoia (details)
    Crypto nv - Covenant Grenade+ - Bouncer (details)
    Crypto nv - Covenant Heavy Anti-Vehicle - Quad Tracer (details)
    Crypto nv - Human Grenade Launcher - Bomb Rod (details)
    Crypto nv - Human Mech - Overkill (details)
    Flameblad3 - Human Oddity - EMP Gun (details)
    Flameblad3 - Human Air Support Equipment - MAC Caller (details)
    Flameblad3 - Human Grenade+ - Nitrogen Charge (details)
    DemonicSandwich - Human One-Man - Bulldog (details)
    dreaddraco2 - Human Juggernaut - APC (details)
    dreaddraco2 - Human Melee - Combat Knife (details)
    Okage4 - Human Infiltrator - Kangaroo (details)
    BigdogII7 - Human Movement Equipment - Rocket Boots (details)
    Foyoman - Human Tech Disruption Equipment - Serene Shielder (details)
    PRSplayer42 - Human Vision Disruption Equipment - Smoke Bomb (details)
    XxSpix - Human Defense Equipment - Repulsion Field (details)

    Honorable Mentions:
    dreaddraco2 - suggesting the Brute Jump Pack for the Brute Movement Equipment (details)
    Flameblade3 - Runner-up for Brute Juggernaut - Basilisk (details)
    Crypto nv - Runner-up for Brute Headshot Rifle - Ghost Shot (details)
    XxSpix - Runner-up for Brute Air - Waster (details)
    Farbeef - suggesting the Halo 2 Spectre - Covenant Multi-man Vehicle
    moose IV - Runner-up for Covenant Grenade+ - Seeker (details)
    Foyoman - Runner-up for Covenant CQC - Plasma Blaster (details)
    BigdogII7 - suggesting the Human One-man Vehicle - Bulldog (details)
    Crypto nv - suggesting the Halo 3:ODST Gauss Turret - Human Big Turret
    urban destroyer - Runner-up for Human Melee - Power Fists (details)
    dreaddraco2 - previous Human One-man Vehicle - Grackle (details)
    Imnickjames13 - previous Human Grenade+ - Acid Bomb (details)
    PRSplayer42 - suggesting the Halo Wars Wolverine for the Human AA Tank
    XxSpix - Runner-up for Human Tech Disruption Equipment - Mini-EMP (details)
    XxSpix - Runner-up for Human Air Support Equipment - Artillery Locator (details)
    Flameblad3 - Runner-up for Human Defense Equipment - Steel Shield (details)
    Flameblad3 - Runner-up for Human Mech - Spider (details)

    If this becomes popular enough, it'd be nice if this could be stickied!
    #1 Okage4, Dec 1, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2010
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Why isn't the sword in cqc? I thought that's what they were for, unless I have been mislead scince I was little...oh now i see, the sword is in melée. Shouldn't that be all in one?
    On Topic! Err, I'm not sure.
    #2 pinohkio, Dec 1, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2009
  3. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Energy Sword isn't in CQC because it's in the Melee Weapons category. It does damage by melee, not bullets. The Shotgun and Maulers do more damage the closer they get by using ammunition. That's the difference between Melee and CQC weapons. I hope that helped you out
  4. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Spiker = brute SMG, not assault rifle. Same with plasma rifle. The brute plasma rifle, maybe, but not the blue one.
  5. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, I wasn't sure whether I should put the Plasma Rifles and Spikers in the Standard Rifles category or not. You always see Brutes and Elites using them as their standard weapons, so...yeah, I was just confused, I guess. Anyway, I'll change it now that I've got some outside input.
  6. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I only see one weapon missing and that is the Flamethrower, which I believe is a human weapon. I'm not exactly sure where that would go though because it is really only good short range.

    EDIT: Oh and also the sentinel beam, which is a forerunner weapon so I don't know where that goes either. It is mostly like a laser though...
    #6 Phenomenal, Dec 1, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2009
  7. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OH, yeah, I totally forgot about the Flamethrower. It's in a category I forgot about. Thanks for reminding me.

    As for the Sentinel Beam, I was pondering that and since it is, like you said, a Forerunner weapon and not of the other 3 races, I'm just leaving it out completely.
    #7 Okage4, Dec 1, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2009
  8. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Fyi, firebombs are brute weapons, that's why stalkers have them.

    Sorry that I don't actually have any idea, but you really should include the sentinel beam, it annoys me not seeing it for some reason.
  9. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hrm, I was so sure that I remembered reading somewhere that the UNSC was the original manufacturer of Firebombs...my mistake =/

    how about some actual entries, now?
  10. kooljon92

    kooljon92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks man i needed a way to categorize the halo 3 weapons in my mind haha...
  11. Farbeef

    Farbeef Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I was thinking about this the other day. i was going to make a chart but you beat me to it. If you want more vehicles try looking at halo wars (dont ask me ive never played it).
    Also the human AA could be a gauss hog or a gauss turret could be the human big turret. Covanent super weapon could bee the scarab beam and the spectre could be the covie multi man vehicle. There all done. :)

    Ps you could catagorize enemys or equipement to add to the list also.
  12. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    I was thinking about organizing the equipment and enemies, but I wasn't sure HOW to organize them...

    Plus, I'm pretty sure the whole weapon/vehicle thing is overwhelming enough. If the whole chart ends up getting filled, I'll add on an equipment section. MAYBE an enemy section, I'm still not so sure about that.
  13. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Weapon or Vehicle?: Weapon
    Name: Spiker Rifle
    Type: Sniper
    Description: It shoots out super heated, high velocity spikes. It has a 3 shot clip and reloads in similar fashion to the brute shot.
    #13 Spicy Forges, Dec 2, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2009
  14. 1shawn1

    1shawn1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I suppose the Elephant may count as the human Juggernaut-class vehicle.
  15. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just an FYI you spelt chopper wrong.
    One thing:

    1. The mauler is not a pistol in my mind

    Weapon or Vehicle?: Weapon
    Name: The spikper
    Creator: Brutes

    Type: Sniper
    Description: This is the brute sniper. It is mixed with the spike grenade becasue when you shoot it the bullet hooks on and explodes like a spike grenade.

    Weapon or Vehicle?: Vehicle
    Name: Stealth Bomber
    Creator: UNSC

    Type: Aircraft
    Description: This is a one man airplane that turns invisible for 30 seconds while you can drop 5 rocket launcher type bombs. This is a large heavy vehicle which would only be allowed on maps like Avalanche and Sandtrap.
  16. mooseIV

    mooseIV Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Weapon or Vehicle: weapon
    Name:Seeker Grenade
    Creator: Covenant
    Description: It looks like giant needle from the needler and locks on and curves to hit the target and sticks to them then makes a super detonation like the needer.
  17. Farbeef

    Farbeef Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well I was googling a certain anticipated prequle and had {saw} the {a} idea {picture} of a needler carbine, where would this go? Its even weirder than the normal needler.
  18. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Coolio, a place to put my thoughts on new weapons. Rather convenient, I was wondering how I could tell people this idea.

    Name: Gravity-Gun (grav gun)
    Weapon type: Brute
    Class: oddities

    This weapon, appearing similar to the plasma pistol, has an ability much like the forge-moniter. It has the ability to pick up movable objects and cause them to float in midair in front of the user. The weilder if this weapon will now be able to hurl the object at enemies for epic splattering fun. It's ammunition system is energy-based, (like the plasma rifle or plasma pistol) and more energy is used the longer you hold an object, and depending on the size and weight of the object.

    A couple of comments about the list:

    1. Each weapon should have a spoiler that would give a description of each weapon, what games they appear in, and if they are not in the games or designed by bungie, add the name of whoever invented the weapon.

    2. The brute shot is probably considered a power weapon like the rockets fuel rods, since it is explosive, large, and doesn't behave like a grenade launcher in some ways.
  19. urban destroyer

    urban destroyer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    creator covanent
    name anti matter bomb
    acks like a power drain but the radius is smaller kills you wen your shield runs out,your body is suked into a mini black hole in the middle and the bombs explosion varies depending how many players it sucks in
    #19 urban destroyer, Dec 3, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2009
  20. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm not sure how balanced that would be. Think about it: a grenade that can,

    a. Drain sheilds
    b. kill multiple players
    c. Has a somewhat large radius. (sounds pretty large by the description.)

    Sorry, but it sounds way too powerful for halo.

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