Download here This map is called Drainage. It is a well built map on foundry that uses a lot of intersecting and supports ALL gametypes. Features of the Map: -Archway with sniper on top and shotgun on bottom -Structure in the middle of the map that contains active camo -2 symmetrical bases positioned directly across from eachother -2 BRs in each base, a sniper and shotgun in the middle of the map, 3 carbines per base, active camo, multiple plasma and frag granades -Balanced play on a well designed and thought out, symmetrical map Screen shots View of Camo View from Sniper View of Base View of sniper Archway This map is best played with BR start, but can be played with anything. Feel free to add any weapons or cover that you want to add to the map. I would greatly apreciate all comments, good or bad. Hope you enjoy playing!
you also posted the one map twice, i really think thats agianst the rules, id suggest taking one of them off.
Ya this map was posted twice. But the map looks good and this is your first post but it looks like you read the rules of posting. Also Welcome!
Good thing u deleted the 2nd 1 cuz I dunno what would of happened if u didn't. Anyway it looks like a sweet map