Name: the n00b Creator: Shadowelite Genre: Comedy/Adventure World Set In: Real World Takes Place In: Early 2008 Writers: ShadowElite, Greatjedi7/GR4V3mind117 Plot Spoiler The machinima follows the story of a young, 12 year old n00b, as he journeys through Halo 3 to become the best at Halo 3, also meeting some friends, and foes along the way. Main Characters Spoiler Heroes Spoiler animelover374 - A n00b that is new to halo and video games. Not very good at halo, but is very smart when it comes to the real world. Voiced by Greatjedi7/GR4V3mind117 Groups/Clans Spoiler The Pros - An elite group dedicated to Halo. They do not take failure lightly and will and can stop anyone that gets in their way to become the best of the best. They created their own exclusive hack that sends anyone that loses against them into an inescapable server. The main villains of the story. Team Recon - A n00b group dedicated to the Recon armor permutation. They think the helmet increases thier skill, but they fail to realize that they won't be part of the small group of people with Recon when ODST comes out later in the series. The theme to the original Pokemon TV series plays whenever they enter the scene. A relatively neutral group. Modderz Assassins - A deadly clan that used to work for bungie by banning modders and hackers, But then they started using Mods to ban people. They got banned themselves, But they got around that and now work as assassins for the Pros. Internet N00b Protection Agency (I.N.P.A.) - A large group of good-natured, ex-MLG champs dedicated to helping n00bs across the internet become the best that they can become. An ally of the n00b The Glitches - When the server was created, bungie did a test match on it. However, great lag caused an employee's avatar to glitch out. Soon it infected another avatar, then another and so on until most of bungie's avatars were infected. The head of multiplayer created a monitor to contain the glitches, and contained them on a valhalla map. Villains Spoiler sHaDoWCHEIF720 - The leader of the Modderz Assassins. He has a mod that allows him to hack campaign AI into match making, effectively creating an army for his exclusive use. Jgatch - A former MLG Entrant. But he was banned for using mods to win. He has the ability to Animate objects. He uses this mod in one episode to make a huge robot to kill the n00b. Thanks to his former MLG status, He is very good in Close Quarters Combat. CommanderMKeyes - The only female member of the Modderz. She Can Create her own vehicles to use. Rocka617 - He likes music. Alot. He rarely uses mods but he distracts his victims by RickRolling them, activating his infinite Active Camo mod, Then Sneaking in for the kill. He is a Master Sniper. Cast and Crew Spoiler Cast and Crew Spoiler Creator: ShadowElite Writer(s): ShadowElite and Greatjedi7/GR4V3mind117 Cameraman: Ripcord Producer: Mistercheif Set Designer(s) Mistercheif and Greatjedi7/GR4V3mind117 Voice of The N00b: Greatjedi7/GR4V3mind117 Puppet for The N00b: Greatjedi7/GR4V3mind117 Voice of The R1V41: ShadowElite Puppet for The R1V41: ShadowElite Voice of sHaDoWCHEIF720: N/A Puppet for sHaDoWCHEIF720: N/A Voice of Jgatch: N/A Puppet for Jgatch: Pending Voice of CommanderMKeyes: N/A Puppet for CommanderMKeyes: N/A Voice of Rocka617: N/A Puppeteer for Rocka617: N/A Voice for Team Recon: N/A Puppet for Team Recon Member 1: N/A Puppet for Team Recon Member 2: N/A Puppet for Team Recon Member 3: N/A Puppet for Team Recon Member 4: N/A Pending Spoiler Lukems: Puppeteer and Voice Actor for Himself ninjazombie: Puppeteer for Jgatch Requirements to be a part of this Machinima! !READ IF YOU WANT A CHANCE AT GETTING IN! At this point, ShadowElite is writing. So if anyone wants to help, you have to help with filming. If anyone wants to get the scripts, they have to earn his respect and his trust. For someone to get a script in advance, they have to qualify in all or most of these requirements: -They have to be one of Shadowelite's, Misterchief's, or Greatjedi7/GR4V3mind117's friends. -They have to be invovled in the n00b heavily -They have to be trustworthy Even if you qualify, We have to vote on it. If you want to be involved, you have to meet these requirements: -They have to be human -They can't be a douchebag
Yes, your dog can not join, so yeah thats just to protect from spam-bots and such from joining and stealing data EDIT: Why do you ask? you'd like to join?