Sandbox Staircase

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Cryptokid, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    (Sharp's waaaaay more epic description):Such a project has never been attempted before. A structure that connects the crypt to the skybox in one flail swoop was thought to be inconceivable. Crypto however, laughed at such a declaration and began to prove those nay-sayers wrong. He also made it a point to make the entire structure without many advance building techniques. His tiresome work has finally produced a result and it has far exceeded previous predictions. This is truly a map for the ages.

    That of course was a complete embellishment. Now let’s be serious.

    Well what started out as an innocent play map, has grown into something bigger. Considering the structure…. bigger is taken to an entirely new level. Crypto was bored during a TGIF so he started stack objects. No interlocking, no floating, nothing. Eventually it went all the way above the skybox from the crypt. Now that fact alone is amazing but since it is done just by stacking, makes it even more amazing. Even though he could have left the map as it was , he decided to improve, adding a crypt cannon with smooth exit, a double block tower that goes from the middle level to the skybox, and providing a reward platform when you reach the top. Weather you are just screwing around or trying to wind down. Climb up this staircase, and you’ll be having a blast before you know it.

    Oh and we better keep the terrorists away from this one guys. Srsly.

    (Mine)Well this is my submission to XForgery's aesthetic contest. I made it well I was bored and thought I'd give the contest a try. Its basically just a huge staircase that starts in the crypt and goes all the way through to the death barrier above the sky bubble high barrier. Sorry about some of the areas that were crooked, but fixing them would have been a pain. I know where all the main problems are and being an aesthetic map, it's kind of hard to give CnC anyways. So here we go:



    The spawns are in the crypt:

    Once you reach the top of that, you'll reach this set of man-cannons and a portal:

    Which will send you here:

    That will take you to the main level:


    The first barrier crossing, I won't post any of the others because they're exactly like this one, crouch jump here:

    The only tricky barrier, just make sure to use the gravlift, otherwise you'll probably die:

    A couple barrier crossings later, you'll be at the top:
    There are some weapons there, and a flag. Make sure not to jump, or you'll die.

    An extra pic:


    Special thanks to:

    Sharpshooter: told me to submit to the contest, and the epic description
    El Dodo Rondo: Provided a fileshare slot for the map download
    *sigh* and mista tipsta because he always looked at it ...
    #1 Cryptokid, Dec 1, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2009
  2. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    that looks insane! Thats the highest staircase alone structure ive ever seen! it looks like it would be fun with lots of friends. The extra picture looks like a really big flowers. One of the best Aesthetic maps ive seen yet. 9/10
  3. Lemons Reloaded

    Lemons Reloaded Ancient
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    This is possibly the coolest (and tallest!) thing I've ever seen on Forge Hub!
    It would be better if you made a KOTH gametype for it though. Nice work! :D
  4. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    This is extremely amazing how long did it take you and how many pieces do you have left on the map because you could make an awesome KOTH like lemons said of assault gametype. Or have a sniper at the top and everyone has crazy damage resistance and the guy at the top tries to prevent everyone else getting to the top. Either way 9.5/10
  5. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    Um WOW. This is freakin' insane. Not only does it look fun, it looks so aesthetically appealing and just has that touch to it that makes me question your presence on this earth. This is definitely the coolest attempted aesthetic structure I've seen here at FH so far, and I will be climbing this godlike stairway to heaven momentarily. I bow down to you Cryptokid. Nice work...
  6. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    Lol thanks Phenom, you seem to be posting a lot around here lately. It didn't take that long for the initial building of the staircase but I soon started to run low on objects. I don't think I have many left now, but I am pondering a KotH game. Lol stoy, if I had a capture card I might.
  7. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    Cryptokid, you're pretty much my hero.

    One word to describe this map:
  8. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    How many jumps are there? Over 9000?
  9. nixaguy

    nixaguy Ancient
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    Wow, i remember making one of these a few months ago, although mine was much more messier, and didnt go to the crypt, does your go through the spaces in between the ground level, and the sky bubble?
  10. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    Yes it dies go through as many spaces as possible. And @ Solo, you can count them if you want :p
  11. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Counting all these steps is suicide, but it would be cool to see how many there are. Good luck. (He won't come back for a long time)

    This looks amazing. Original, epic, holy ****. The 4 words that would describe this map.
  12. kooljon92

    kooljon92 Ancient
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    love it! i tried to do it but got bored lol, def download. but could you possibly come up with a game or something to go along with it?
  13. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    i remember this!
    And it truely is AWESOME, never seen anything like this; it took me forever to get to the top. Lots of fun, but like all asthetic maps it gets boring after a while.

  14. Shlbamobinladen

    Shlbamobinladen Ancient
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    StairCase for the ages lol. Nice post oh and how is that other tower coming sorry i havnt been on halo in a while.
  15. xVespherx

    xVespherx Ancient

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    Wow. Your right, this hasn't been done before o.0

    Such a simple concept put into an amazing form. I think this could be turned into a fun VIP-Infection map (Asset, if i am right...). Zombies chase after the humans while they try to get the VIP to the top MIRITE?

    Definitely a great job on the map. 5/5!
  16. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    That's not exactly asset, but don't worry I have a few different games running through my head... Thanks for the comments guys. Also I've seen atleast 2 of these already, please try to say more than just "good map, 5/5" not for me but for you, (I don't like seeing people get infracted in my map thread, even if you were just trying to be nice. I'd rather have no comments than a bunch of infracted comments) Thanks! (no offense to anyone who commented like what I just said)
  17. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    I remember seeing this a while back. I wish you bad kept that last jump with the weapons on it, that was hilarious.

    And how come I'm not mentioned, I did all that umm, you know, uhh,,, stuff??
  18. RAYZOR 1987

    RAYZOR 1987 Ancient
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    wow! looks cool and a difinite download! how did you manage to forge past the barrier thats in-between the sky bubble and middle? every time i try, the pieces are deleted as soon as i place them.....
  19. Farbeef

    Farbeef Ancient
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    Wow Thought of this a couple of months ago but quickly wrote it off as impossible, clearly you proved me wrong, this is one of the coolest aesthetic maps ive seen yet :D. Nice spiral stairs btw
  20. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    That was the only part where I needed to hold the piece in place and then save changes. That may have taken the longest of any of the sections. Once again thanks for the comments guys. This got a much better response than I had expected to get. Maybe I'll post some of my other stuff when I finish it (as opposed to not usually finishing in a Bl00DF1R3 manor :) lol bl00d)

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