
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Dobam, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is a ALPHA/BETA version . Its my second forge project for the moment and maybe my third project comming out in the map Contest map pack . Whatever This map was inspired by the pâque Island but i need some idea for the base to finish my map !

    Tester List :

    1.used man
    2.II SharpFox II
    3.NoX EquinoX

    Weapon List :

    BR x8
    Conv. Carabine x2
    Sniper x2
    Rocket x2
    SMG x2
    Plasma Rifle x2
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Neddler x2
    Brute Shot x2
    Hammer x1
    Overshield x1
    Lift x1
    Bubble Shield x2
    Regenerator x2
    Drain x2
    Plasma Nade x8
    Frag Nade x6
    Chooper x2
    Warthog x2
    Mangoose x2
    Turret x2

    Some pics of the map for the moment :








    UPDATE 2/12/09

    Laser remove for lift and mauler add at the midle !




    Coming to 20/12/09
    #1 Dobam, Dec 1, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2009
  2. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks incredibly poorly thrown together. im sorry, but all it is is a half ghost merged pile of junk. im sorry, but my idea is to scrap it.
  3. Zee-V70

    Zee-V70 Ancient
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    ...What. You wouldn't say the same thing about Stonehenge, would you? This is definitely giving off a ruins sort of vibe, and thus it's more organized scrap than anything. I'd suggest adding at least small bases or walls with some spawns, and maybe a few more ghost merged ruin-like pieces. Just try not to add aircraft on this one, imo.
  4. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    actually, im judging this on predictable gameplay. it will play flat with some assorted cover, and some open spots. no height variation, spots, or interesting gameplay.
  5. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    WTF are you talking about. First of all, he is not finished with the map and second of all it looks nice so far. Don't try to strike him down, it's good so far.

    The only thing I would suggest is to separate the overshield and spartan laser. Otherwise keep it up.

    And for bases. If you can already come up with this much, you'll have no problem on the bases. Try to give is a ruin type feel, because that's what I feel this map is. And also, one huge tip, ignore flamers unless they are giving you tips.
  6. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    im not flaming. its obvious he hasnt spent much time on it. i was trying to advise him that his map wouldnt get much attention without some serious renovation. i know it wasnt finished yet, but he took up most of the space. the best thing i can come up with is some extremely vehicle based combat. ive seen his other preview for conquest, he has much more potential than this.
  7. ultsf

    ultsf Ancient
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    If he has more potential like you say, they why are your comments basically telling him to trash it?

    So he may make a map that's not up to everyone's standards of "awesome". I was always led to believe that FH was a place for people to come and share their creations without others telling them "oh, it sucks!"

    As for the map so far, I like that it's got a "ruin" feel to it. I agree about the laser/overshield. Also, what you might want to do is finish the rest of the map, then (as odd as this sounds) destroy it a little.

    What I mean by that is make it so that it looks like ruins. Like the columns in the center. Some can remain whole, but why not break others up, or collapse a few? See what I'm saying?
  8. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    you know what you should doooo. make it a bunch of famous ruins. you got stone henge. put an easter island head somewhere and make like a really nice, sphinx. it could be 1 flag and make the sphinx at one end of sandbox and have it be a base with its entrance at his mounth. and have the flad the sphinx be the defenders base. adn the easter island head could be somehow made into the attackers base. i think you should d othis is your not to far into the map. i think it would be completely epic. plzzzzzzzzzzzzz do this. haha
  9. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The reason I'm saying to trash it is it is not going to play well. He should focus his attention on maps that look like the gameplay will be great, this would take a lot of work to make play well. I know it has a good feel to it and looks cool, but it doesn't matter because the map probably won't play well enough for people to car. I know it's harsh, but it's better for him to get this now than when he is finished. But if he thinks he can pull it off, I would be more than happy for him to prove me wrong. But this just doesn't look playable as a map.
  10. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    Lemme tell you something.


    1st reason: the map seems to be about 20% finished.

    2nd reason: The entire map is FLAT, therefore, someone like you would say its "too open" naturaly, because theres not a lot on it thus far.

    3rd reason: You cant "feel" a map unless you have played on it or had a testing game on it.

    4th reason: Obviously, the map is supposed to resemble ruins, therefore, he will finish the OTHER 80% OF THE MAP with cover resembling ruins, and that "pile of ghost merged junk" is apparently supposed to resemble RUINS.

    This man makes a valuable point.

    And please, dont make bold, not well thought out statements about a map that isnt even half finished, he doesnt even have the bases up yet, how could you make such a critique about it now?

    Posts such as that fountain off ignorance and inexperience.

    And I hope this post does not recieve a flame report, as my response was clearly justified.
  11. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Fail comment is fail.

    Please do not listen to Wooden leaf. If he wants to base an unfinished map's gameplay from pictures, that's his problem. Stonehenge happens to be one of my most preferred maps of the Bungie vs World playlist, so I'm looking forward to the finished product of your map!
    #11 Rifte, Dec 2, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2009
  12. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    It looks interesting and creative from the pics, but I would recommend to make the middle easier to walk around because it looks a bit tough.
  13. Chron

    Chron Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm really digging the rocket spawn. I think the map so far is already giving off a ruins type feel. If I could give any suggestion I'd say that you should move the Overshield away from the Spartan Laser as it seems to overpowered. I'm quite interested in the map, I hope to see a great finished product when released!
  14. HaloIlove

    HaloIlove Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i first thought this wasn't well made, until I realized they were ruins. Looks pretty good.i like how you use damaged stone columns. Keep using them!
  15. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks but i had finish the map this morning i will update the post today with the base and the weapon selection !
  16. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i know ur my frnd, but seriously, stfu. the map is SUPPOSED to look "sloppy" - its in ruins! this map definetly has potential, just be careful wat u make out of it ;)
  17. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i think everyones kinda focusing on one point... the OP doesnt want to hear 16 people debate the same thing.

    Anyway, what i get from the map is:
    • The centre piece looks great. As mentioned though, OS above a SL isnt a great shout. Relocate the SL imo.
    • I think these ruins need to be contained.. unless the ruins will span the whole sandbox. I.e. ruins will be absolutely everywhere.. It will look very out of place unless contained. (remember the gondola level on halo 2.. all the ruins on that level were inside "rooms" this makes it look more authentic rather than just a pile of rubble in the middle of nowhere.
    • I'd like to see your base designs :)
  18. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Let's not be hypocritical guys. Don't flame a guy for flaming. I am very displeased with how you treat each other.

    Though what xWooden leafx said was a bit harsh, I see his points. Too many maps begin with little to no design. My advice is to design your maps fully before you even turn on your xbox. Maps become incredibly random when not premeditated. This is a common problem with maps. You all may see interesting structures, but I see something that doesn't play well. You guys need to read between the lines. Much like you noticed the Spartan Laser/Overshield problem, you can see past aesthetics. Here is what is shown: a central structure and 2 other smaller structures. Almost nothing shows coherency. However, very little has been done from the looks of the pictures. Recon Speller, you looking for help suggests that you just started building. Which leads my to my next point. Ghost merging gives too big a sense of success because it looks nice. You need to work on your designs.

    I cannot give much advice, because very little is shown. Your center structure could use some work. From what I can see, it has 7 fluid entrances. This means it is very open to players freely roaming through it. This lessens its power, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Putting one power weapon/up would promote its use as well as its power, so I recommend you choosing one. The next problem is the randomness/broken flow within the circle. It can very difficult to travel through this structure with so many tight spaces. Try placing objects to optimize gameplay rather than for looks. Ask yourself: is that crooked obelisk really needed to promote good gameplay? Next, I suggest working on paths more. Again, I cannot see much, but I think you should work on how areas react to other areas. It needs to work together. Make it feel like a complete map.

    I like what you are going for with aesthetics. The ruin look can always be fun to attempt. I do see potential. Good luck.
  19. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ^ Pretty much was what i tried to say and failed..

    But i think the central ruins should remain (a few pieces might wanna be removed for gameplay) but that should be a centre piece in a circular room and exiting from that room should be flowing corridors of varied heights.. people can then use the ruins to get to the next level which justifies each of the columns being placed.

    Theres a halo 2 map thats got the right idea.. its small, circular with a ruin style centre piece and lots of ramps around the edges, and camo is in the middle.. name?
  20. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Wooden Leaf is crazy since this is a map preview not the actual map so things will be added. He was correct if what he said is applied to your grammar. Although this is still understandable, propper spelling and grammar makes your post look better. What you have for a start is good, and I like the open spaces, although there is a bit too much, these make the combat strategical with taking a covered place to defend. The central ruins are great, making that area imprevious to vehilcles, however the bent columns look sloppy, and the lights should definitly be merged into the columns entirely. Bases should be merged into the dunes behind. Using the diagonal part like where the cliff is would really help make this different from the average sandbox map. If you make more tall cover like that of the center piece, one or two banshees would work nicely. Final advice is add plenty of vehicles and short range power weapons because of the open space (few ranged weapons like snipers or lasers though).

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