Screenshot of the Week, Week 2 This is Forge Hub's Screenshot of the Week, equivalent to Signature of the Week in Graphics & Arts, except with Halo 3 screenshots. If this goes well, I will be continuing this and hopefully it becomes popular. Each week I'll come up with a new theme, then you go out and capture a screenshot that represents that theme. The community then votes for which screenshot should win, and why. Last week's theme was hard, but some good screenshots still managed to emerge from it. I chose environment this week as I have seen some good screenshots of environment in the past and hope to see some more great screenshots. Last weeks theme was Electricity, Congratulations to Ac3Snip3r with this picture! Feel free to recommend themes to me via This Thread One Entry Per Person, Per Week - So Make Your Submission A Good One! (Your entry Must Be Your Own Work!) 1 Week for submissions of the Screenshots and 1 week for voting. THIS IS THE ENTRY THREAD/WEEK This Weeks Theme is Environment/Nature(Trees, plants, animals, people(humans, that means not Spartans/ODSTs (even if they have no helmet on) but actual people like workers and marines), water, nature, rocks, etc...). The winner of each Screenshot of the Week gets their screenshot featured in the newest site update. Submission Rules: • Entrants may only submit a screenshot created by themselves. • Screenshots must follow all forum rules. This includes those against nudity and pornography. • You may edit or change your entry any time before the voting thread is posted. • If your screenshot has won in the past it may not be entered again Entries Will End Tuesday, December 8th and Voting Will Commence
Theres a discussion thread... but it has to be themed like nature, if it is a spartan on the water, or in a grassy plane or something naturelike it works. I said the main focus can be a human, but a spartan wouldnt count as a human, only a human wearing normal clothes and no power armor(marines/humans).