So i downloaded garry's mod 10 on steam for $9.99 and it is installed and i installed it. Now whenever i play it it shows a picture of the guy with a tool gun and a magnum then i get the BSoD. I'm up to par with all of the regulations except for maybe the graphics card, i do not know how to check mine. Tech Spec's: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7300 @ 2.00GHz 1.99 GHz, 0.97 GB of RAM Windows XP SP2 I want to be able to play it but i can't, Help.
Run > type in 'dxdiag' > go to display tab That's your graphics card. Its probably the main reason for it not working but let us know anyway.
Name: Mobile Intel(R) 965 Chipset Family ... Aprox. Total Memory: 384.0mb ^ouch, thats small, but the requirment is 32mb PS I am able to run HL2 with lag and portal with minimal lag
Well thats weird because hl2 and portal run on the same engine. I have a friend who plays it on his laptop and it works just fine. (i dont think he has a graphics card but ill ask him)
This is the same with me when I go on it I lag HIDEOUSLY so I am just going to save up and buy a new one. what you want is one that runs Nvidia on amazon I've seen some go for about £30-£35
Yeah... onboard video cards suck big time. You'll have to get an actual dedicated video card to run the game well. Oh, and Nvidia is sucking major ass right now. Give me your budget for a new video card and I'll find you the best one for your money.
Garrys mod is based on source engine as well so there shouldnt be a problem. You installed gmod? Not just downloaded.
Problem! *Wild Dinging* It's been stated by a Valve developer that Source games, at this time, do not currently support a Chipset Graphics Card. No really, for tall the game is concerned, What graphics card?
Not true. I played Garry's Mod way back when on a G33 (or was it 35?). @B3NW: Source engine has nothing to do with it... and the only way to download it is through Steam, and Steam won't let you launch it without installing it (which it automatically does).
Garry's Mod 10 is on the Source Engie. Garry's Mod 9 was not. You most likely played Garry's Mod 9. If I had enough time, I would look for this post for you. Edit- Lucky for you, I do. This was all I could find, though I did see a VALVe Developer confirm this in another thread.
I just downloaded Garry's mod and Counter Strike on my brand new laptop, Add me, I signed up under the name Xylome so I assume that's how you would add me.
No, Bloo Jay, I have indeed played all source games (save for L4D) with a G33 with no issues. Including other games as well. It doesn't matter if a dev confirmed it, the whole point is that it worked perfectly on mine.
Bloo jay, I didn't get that post, I think it said I isn't compatible but that's all I get @ameoba, what do u think is the problem? Graphics card? I don't want to buy another graphics card, I'm not a pc gamer and don't want to become one. I got Garrys mod because I love sandboxes and I figure if I can run hl2 so can this. The reason I have steam is because I had the orange box before I had xbox
I suppose that's it, but I can't be absolutely certain... I haven't used an onboard in well over a year now.
It isn't compatible, so in reality, You're using your RAM instead of your Graphics card to play it. That's why it's so choppy, and may not even start up. For all the game is concerned, you don't even HAVE a Graphics card. aMoeba, a G33 is a chipset that is compatible. Intel's 900 Chipsets are a bit screwy.
Yeah i foundout my frienss computer came with a graphics card so yeah, ur probly gunna have to get one. unless its a software issue but thats unlikely.
That site doesn't know that Certain Graphic Chipsets aren't supported. All his other Specs are fine. Sometime you have to do alot more research than just that site.