Doom -best game of all time?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Farbeef, Nov 30, 2009.

  1. Farbeef

    Farbeef Ancient
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    I found this game on a virgin america flight (great airline i HIGHLY suggest them) and ever since have been addicted i bought it for my iphone when i got home and am going to see if i can buy it for the xbox. Anyway i just want to see what other people think. :)
  2. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    0 found the Doom that came out 16 years ago??

    You're a little behind.
  3. The Jewker7244

    The Jewker7244 Ancient
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    ya its a great game there making 2 for xbla soon. its such a great fps. if you want ill play coop with you but theres no coop achievements. its only 400 microsoft points i think its worth it. id also recommend getting it on the computer then you can mod it to have things like extra weapons such as the ghetto blaster a boombox that replaces your chainsaw to rick roll people to death. not even the mightiest of demons can stand being rickrolled
  4. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    sig'd for epicness...

    ****, Doom is older than me. Isn't there a Doom 4 being made?
  5. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    I'd go as far as saying best game of its era, I spent my early teenage years killing every monster the doom universe had to throw at me. The modern rejuvenation, Doom 3, was actually really good but just too damn scary.

    Can't believe you've only just played it.. I'm guessing you must be pretty young.
  6. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    if by doom you mean Earthbound, sure.
  7. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    Doom 4 is being made or will be after id is done with RAGE, there new post-apocalyptic FPS where you emerge from a "Vault" and drive around in Vehicles. Back on topic, Doom is in-fact the greatest game ever and has been ported to XBL and with the Limited Edition of Doom 3 for the Xbox. I don't feel like backing it up right now, it just is.
  8. Farbeef

    Farbeef Ancient
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    Lol at jewker's post and yeah i know its been around for awhile but by found i mean i played it for the first time. Oh and Fbu what exactly do you meen by that?
  9. The Jewker7244

    The Jewker7244 Ancient
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    if youve heard of ness from super smash bros thats his game. its a pretty fun rpg. you battle aliens and fight with some partners paula, jeff, poo, and very shortly the best party member was a giant dungeon who gets stuck on trees and you leave him behind. as fun as it is though its not anywhere near as good as some rpgs like FFVII. doom is still better though i mean look at the ghetto blaster earthbound never had anything near as good

    YouTube- Doom Rickroller - Final Boss (DOWNLOAD INCLUDED)
    #9 The Jewker7244, Dec 2, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2009
  10. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I wouldn't say best game of all time. Have you played the Multiplayer? It's god-awful. The campaign is definitely one of the greatest FPS campaigns of all time, but for the game itself to be the best, it would need a much better MP.

    When my disc drive broke, I played this game all the time. It's a lot of fun and worth the buy from xbla.
  11. The Jewker7244

    The Jewker7244 Ancient
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    Multiplayer was pretty bad due to the fact that you cant tell what weapon people were using. i found it okay due to the create your own marine feature for such an early game. it was supposed to be the original death match it was more of a test than actual multi player

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