LOCUS Monster trucks with a twist. A basic platform for monster trucks, but small holes and fusion coils are placed on the map. This varies gameplay and feeds the primal pleasure of - oooooo, thing go boom! Another thing it defeats is the boring end to monster trucks. In the majority of games I've played the last two players are out of their vehicles, trying to assassinate each other. It takes ages, isn't any fun and makes spectators extremely mad. If the same scenario happens on this map, you will most likely fall through a hole and die, much to the pleasure of your opponent. Screenshots: Map Link: : Halo 3 File Details Gametype Link: : Halo 3 File Details
Ehh ok I know monster truck maps can only really be played with people who you know will not get out of the car and be immature about it, but this just seems kind of bland. The holes idea is unique don't get me wrong, but you definitely can take it took another level. I'll edit this post if I think of something that may be beneficial to the map...
Nice spam. Anyway, this map seems pretty good, but bland. Try adding in some aesthetics to the map, it'll be a lot better. The hole idea is pretty original though. Try incorporating that into a multi leved v2 if the map...
cool spam, anyways the map has been done over a dozen times, although the game itself is fun whichever map you play it on. I would suggest you make the floor go up to another level, that way the game isn't repetitive and therefore making everyone happy
seems super hard to play man! but idk im not judging, will dl and test. from the pictures though, wheres the mongooses????
Mongooses seemed a bit pointless, as they are normally dominated by warthogs. I wouldn't say it's super hard, just more random than usual.
I tried making one really similar to it once, but all of the ghosts and warthogs I placed spawned as mongeese in custom games. :/ Anyway, this map looks pretty fun. I might DL.
This problem was because of your gametype, make sure that the vehicle section is set to "All vehicles".
Looks fun but 90% of this you never came up with. Still I downloaded it and I'll probably have a great time playing it so well done on that front.