--My first uploaded trick jumping montage-- (its a little short cuz i dont have a capture card. but i should be getting one within the month.) YouTube- Trick Jump Montage; Breaking The Dark By wh3red I gO ^(Versatile Verve)^
Those were all really entertaining, but how did you not get hurt by the rockets or grenade explosions. Becuase obviously, you couldn't do those jumps without any health...
Uhhh.... Invincibility customs maybe? I thought a few of them were old, but the one's I haven't seen yet were spectacular, excellent job!
thx and yea, with trick jumping u put the settings to invulnarable (i think i spelled that wrong sry lol) so u can get more height and do more. Tactical jumps would be the ones u could do in matchmaking, im going to work on a trick jumping montage that u cud do with normal health but finding new jumps that u can do on normal health r guna take awhile. im goin 2 have 2 combine a lot into a quick run prob. with slide jumps.. anyway. wish me luck lol. And im interested, which ones seem old? i havnt seen any of those combanations before?