Download COMPATIBLE WITH ALL GAMETYPES! I also give thanks to SpazE Ape for helping me forge this map! Description This is a huge frigate which I called Pillar of Winter due to it looking sort of like the Pillar of Autumn, but is located in Avalanche. The frigate itself is 3 and 1/2 stories, with 2 working cannons! On the frigate, the top of the frigate is the hangar for the hornet and has a rocket on the far side. The main floor has 3 spawning tunnels with a sniper in one and BR's in the other 2. There is also a splazer under the stairs. On the 1/2 floor, there is a shotgun and ramps going to the bottom floor. On the bottom floor, otherwise known as the vehicle hangar, has 2 working cannons (scorpions) which are completely sealed in place. On the far side, there is 1 warthog and 2 mongooses with a ramp to go down which acts as a vehicle deploying station. On the base, there are floating platforms with plenty of defense against the ship, including: 1 wraith, 2 mongooses, 2 warthogs, 2 choppers, and 1 hornet. To get up on the ship, you can either jump on the man cannons on the ground in front of the frigate, which don't always work, or jump in the built in man cannons at the right of the map to go in the vehicle hangar. Pictures Overview Front Top Main floor Respawn tunnels 1/2 floor Bottom floor/vehicle hangar Defending base Thanks for looking and please comment and rate if you liked my map, thank you!
It's pretty sloppy to say the least. Plus, the randomly colored boxes reallly detract from the appearance. Maybe you could replace them all with Forerunner objects?
Nemi, do you know how much the forerunner objects would detract from the map? There is no forerunner box. And the only way to make this map is by using boxes. To chood: Great map. I'll DL once I clear some stuff from my custom content. Don't call it a frigate, though as frigates are shaped like Forward Unto Dawn, In Amber Clad, Aegis Fate, or Gettysburg (First Strike...) I like the name reference to the map's climate. i give it a 6.7831819/10
This is very bad in my eyes, you should have interlocked and worked out all the bumps, it seems as if you were in a hurry when doing this
I made a map similar to this. However I think that yours is better executed. Nice job! Heres the one that I made: LINKZ
I love the wave of ships I've been seeing on avalanche recently. Still, your looks like it needs a bit more interlocking. And remove those corner walls on top, they look like dog ears from the front.