Download Map Glacial Gorge V1 : 6 Manncannons on Avalance By Spwee1494, FlamingWindZ, LosingMeerkat 2 Sides locked inside a neverending fight with 6 man cannons-3 on each side 4-16 players works with all games except Infection I will have a video up soon Pics: This is my first map, so yeah. Gametypes Recommended For This Map: Crazy Caverns (stay on the hill FTW!!! Gorge One Flag Splatters FTW(Splatter For The Win!) Snowball Frozen Flag Please Rate And Comment!
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
There is nothing wrong with the post? He doesn't need embeded pics cause most of the featured maps don't have them and those are like examples for new members like him. But it would be nice to Embed pics. Oh ya the map...Looks like one of those (No Offense) Noob Maps that you released just to show that you have Forge, Legendary DLC and Halo 3. But really the map looks very sloppy.
That is false MNM, every featured map has embeded pics. It is a requirement of FH. Spwee, lookin forward to seein what your map looks like
Thanks and very surprised at the speed and support of this forum. Me like . Was it posted in the correct map type? This posts eats BNet!