Sandbox epivolc

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Noxiw, Nov 30, 2009.

  1. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome friends, to epivolc. < download


    Okay, now that the action shots are over with, lets get down to business here,
    epivolc was originally optimized for One Flag, and One Bomb,
    however, it also supports and Slayer and King of the Hill.

    What was once an ancient Forerunner structure, has been buried in the sand and forgotten. Until now.
    This map has a symetric layout, but is considered asymetric due to weathering for millinnias.
    It's believed that the structure as a whole spans out in the other three cardinal directions in the same fasion as the one currently exposed;
    but until it's unburied, lets just fight on it.

    Now, as you can see, this map is primarily based in the tall dune of Sandbox's middle level, half of Sandbox's middle level.
    Before you start griping about the "fact" that people will simply walk far away from the playable area and camp with a sniper rifle, realize, there is no sniper rifle.
    Not one game have I played where someone is dumb enough to go for the long walk.
    And even if someone does go out there, soon after they'll meet four BR bursts to the forehead.

    -=Supported Gametypes=-

    One Flag
    One Bomb


    5 Battle Rifles: 30 seconds, 2 clips.
    7 Carbines: Varying 10, and 30 seconds, 2 clips.
    1 Shotgun: 120 seconds, 1 clip.
    2 Brute Shots: 90 seconds, 2 clips.
    1 Rocket Launcher: 120 seconds, 1 clip.
    1 Energy Sword: 120 seconds.
    2 Machine Gun Turrets: 120 seconds. (only detachable)


    6 Plasma Grenades: 10 seconds.
    2 Power Drains: 120 seconds.
    2 Regenerators: 120 seconds.
    1 Radar Jammer

    Informative Photos:

    General Overview.

    Mid Front Center of Red Base.

    A view from behind the upper walkway. Sword spawn, use the cannon located on the upper part of Blue Base to obtain.

    Red's flag spawn.

    Right wing.

    Left wing.

    Left wing's deconstructed wall.

    The rear of Blue Base.

    Low Front of Blue Base.

    Blue Base interior.

    I hope you enjoy playing this as much as I have. Look out for version two coming soon! Even bigger, better, and as awesome as ever. If you'd like to recieve a notification of it's arrival (when that happens, (date unknown)) reply to the thread saying so. Enjoy!

    Feedback PLEASE!

    Map Preview Quotes/Post test qoutes:

    Keep an eye out for Epitome, Epivolc's epic rework.

    Download epivolc
    #1 Noxiw, Nov 30, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2009
  2. JoshRicks

    JoshRicks Ancient
    Senior Member

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    that is a truely amazing map. also i wanna notification when V2 comes out. i like the abstract structures and the defenders base looks amazing. the "claw" at the back of blue base lets the map down a little, i've got a friend downloading it for me so i'll check it out and update my post on gameplay

    EDIT: A. w00t 1stpost... and B. the gameplay is sweet. the way you get up onto the sword tower is cool and the way the map's gaeplay "moves" around the base of the main semi-circle of the defenders base, i'l get a larger party together later and play it some moe :) great map
    #2 JoshRicks, Nov 30, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2009
  3. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That large half circle is truly amazing and created awesome gameplay and a very useful view of what was below you. Also, I really like the added structures because not only do they look cool aesthetically, but they really help balance gameplay by obstructing vision. Finally, I really like the idea of only detachable turrets so that the ammo will run out so they aren't too powerful. This map is so unique and is incredibly fun to play on, so really nice job Noxiw.
  4. crispychicken49

    crispychicken49 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map was really fun. It reminds me sorta of Isolation, with the underground bits and stuff, but plays alot better. Even though the rest of the middle isn't used noone went there.
  5. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is amazing, Bwendon showed me the map yesterday, and I fell in love.
  6. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Excellent map. It is a shame that an object limit exists as it would be really nice to be able to block maps like this off properly. I'm not judging it on that though, some of the best forged maps (Castlanche for example) are left open and so long as you aren't playing with jerks, all is good. Can't wait to get some games in on this, thanks for letting me know you had posted it!
  7. Xang

    Xang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good map, i never really got to test this but i can tell that people like this and so will I. Using half of sandbox was a unique idea, this kinda looks like an asset map... Anways good map, you really used all the objects to your advantage!
  8. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay like i said in the discussion topic, i had my doubts. But this has truly changed my views. Not only is the map beautiful but it plays amazingly well. Granted people still sometimes try to go run off in the open part, but then they just miss all the action. Your attention to detail is exquisite, You made things line up and look neat that the player will never even see. And the stuff that you do play on is about as close to perfect as you can get. All in all this map is great, i love the elevation changes that go on, plus being able to ninja a guy from 3 stories above his head is pure awesomeness. Great job, and thanks for sending me the message about your release, i just woke up so haha. Can't wait for a v2.
  9. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Bought time you've posted this. :p

    Comparing this to the very first version, it's truly come a long way. The gameplay is outstanding and incredibly fun. I am so glad I was able to be there to see this map evolve to what it is to day, and even happier that you let me do the weapons and spawns for it. This map is truly great and deserves a lot of recognition for it's fantastic gameplay and pure badassery.

    Also, you spelled 'Bwendon' wrong. :p
  10. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Glad you loved it. :) I'll definetely let you know when v2 comes out. (which won't be for a while)

    Making it unique is what it takes to make a great map these days, you need to have certain factors in a map that will keep people coming back to it time and time again.

    That is just human nature though, the red base is the highest ground on the map. (other than the dune itself) and it's better off to have the higher ground in a team game.

    Glad you like Meta. You'll love v2 even more, souly for the fact that I used OLNBC. :)

    Even if I could have had the objects to make a very large wall, I wouldn't have. What happens then is people actually begin trying to escape it, and when they do, you never hear the end of it. If someone writes a comment on this thread about how they escaped the map, I'll just rebuttle with something along the lines of: "You walked past the gold bar on the ground? Neat." Thanks for the comment man, I hope you enjoy your games. :)

    Thank you. :) I do believe you'll enjoy the map as well. (Most people do)
    Version two will have a seperate version released alongside it supporting Asset. :)

    I'm truly happy your views have been changed. :) I have FOCD. I swear, it's a condition, Forging Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, it has to be a real condition. If I make something, and it wasn't "perfect" or as near to perfect (in my mind) as I thought it could be, It was redone. Ask Bwendon, On our map collabs I have recreated many things, even though he couldn't see why. And honestly, knowone would have known if I kept it the old way. but I would...

    I'm glad you were able to watch this evolve as well. Thanks for doing the spawns and weapons, and for the feedback which actually ended up manipulating the structures in it's own way.

    I shall go fix that spelling error now. Well, no, you should just go change your gamertag. =D
    #10 Noxiw, Nov 30, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2009
  11. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You got it posted!

    The few games that I have played on this were extremely fun. Like Bwendon said, it really has come a long way since "Teaser: No Title". I'm glad you took all of the suggestions that people gave and did something about them, instead of just making some excuse as to why something is like it is. That alone has made this a great map.

    And I see you got those ramps merged all the way to the ground. :D
  12. kooljon92

    kooljon92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    amazing map man, really just all around good forging.
    one con, half the sandbox floor is empty lol. idk maybe some like it that way but for the rest of us make some cover? or something along those lines to fill up the other half a little. good job please make a v2!
  13. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Ace. And yes, advice is only helpful if you take it. :)

    Thanks... but did you actually read anything, or just look at the pictures? Noone goes out there. It's not like one team starts out there. if someone does go out there, it's at their own stupidity and will. Nothing I can do about that.
  14. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    great map i really like your base and the structure of your map . The desing are amazing . Good weapon selection and still forging like a pro !
  15. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oh man, I think I need a new pair of pants cuz I just jizzed in these ones when I saw that... That has got to be some of the most creative forging I have seen in a long time, everything looks amazing and it should play even better. Congrats on the great map and please do let me know when you finish the second version.
  16. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    Man, after playing the latest version of this last night, this map is just too good. I'm probably one of the only people who really liked the original one (I was at the first test) but you took it to a whole new level with this version. I'm really looking forward to the next Epivolc, I'm sure it's gonna kick ass.

    (and I know that little floating block behind the blue base is Brendon's thing, ahaha)
  17. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Man, the map post,

    With that aside, I remember playing this with you and scobra. It was tons of fun, the map was not only an aesthetic masterpiece, the fact that there is tons of open space to the left of the map makes no effect on the gameplay, of course, he did not include it in the map post. Because really, why would you want to do that?

    Anyways, great post, awesome map. Invite me for some customs sometime, Nox.
  18. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's more of an "our" kind of thing. :) You'll see more floating cubes in the future.

    It took me quite a while to make the post the way I wanted it. Glad you think it's sexy =D
    I shall indeed invite you to some customs sometime. :)
    #18 Noxiw, Nov 30, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2009
  19. jacster9

    jacster9 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I remember when you were in early stages of this and from there and now it looks AMAZING! I like how it seems symmetrical even though one base is elevated and the other is not. I thought you would have a problem with people going out of the map but again why would they want to? anyways!

    GREAT JOB! jacster9
  20. ExoticNature

    ExoticNature Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yes, please. You can use any of the following:
    Email: Click Me (It's under a link to protect from spam)
    Gamertag: GeassBandit
    ForgeHub: ExoticNature

    As you can tell, the fact that I want version 2 tells you that your map is awesome. I look forward to seeing the second version, good luck!

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