Maybe you could help me for my map project i got all my map plan and weapon list and the base are almost finish so if you want my GT are : DANJESS99 .
Ok get on live and we can play some customs and get to know each other and the map we are making. Yes it is...
Uh, yeah, no. See: Imagination Database
Find a Forge friend. The main reason I stopped forging for a while was because I had nobody to forge with and bounce ideas off of. Either that or come up with an idea that really interests you. That's what brought me back.
Your obviously not Forging something your passionate about, because whenever i made a map, even if initially had little interest, a few hours in i would be unable to stop Forging, seriously. Once i had something built that i thought was 'wow', i didn't want to finish, and i usually had a map done in a day when my peers would take weeks or months. Interest should be fine for you if you want to Forge for the right reasons, but boredom can come from things taking too long to do (i spent a day once doing a box). In which case i recommend: - Private Chat with a good friend, 1to1 is fantastic on xbox live and much more rewarding than... - Party Chat, it's ok.. but don't let it get packed and annoying - Watch Youtube Videos or Films, but don't let them take all your attention - Listen to music, the best thing to do is look into some artists you want to explore,
Like has been said time and time again. Music can take your mind off of the few boring parts of forge. Let's say waiting for a map to load after saving a geo-merge. Chatting also works if you can forge by instinct. Of course it does make it harder to concentrate.
You should buy some music off of your favorite music market place then stream them to your Xbox. Zune uses Microsoft points; that's what I use. Listen to full albums you already love or try some sweet new tunes. The integrated on Xbox live isn't bad either, especially when you're using sketchup on your computer for a long duration of time.
i ask my dad for help. hes an ordinary player of halo 3 who finds forge confusing. he usually has ok input...
Thanks for the comments guys!And my did gets sick because of the moving and screen on matchmaking so he wont help I guess...
simple. Forge until you're bored, then play a game of mm or pop in some other game, then go back to forging. It works, trust me.
I have absolutely no Forge tolerance. If I **** something up first try, it's over. That's it, new design. What's next? This process repeats until I've wasted so much time that it is impossible to redeem myself with any half-assed disaster of a map. -Solo
half of the time i accidentaly dont save after forging for a few hours, because it doesnt require starting new rounds to ghost merge. i have made quite a few great starts to racetracks in my day, just forgot to save ALL of them. than i quit.
Oh god, I forgot to save my Hub of the Dead submission. I was incredibly pissed at myself and then I just recycled and refit one of my other maps to submit. Then my xbox got 3 red lights of bitchiness. I just wasn't meant to enter that contest.