This is a pics of the map but its not really exacly what i wanna do but its a start . I have think about some name and their is the list : Jura Douai Karnabo D'Yeu Hai-Riyo Illuganka Nü Kua Yofuné-Nushi All thoose name are Dragons name are god name . Update 30/11/09 If you want just comment and i have start the base .
From Halo 2... It was a large BTB map, symetrical, had a large structure in the middle (that was basically the control point). Um.. it was Waterworks; (unless I'm calling it by the wrong name).
He's learning English I think. I remember from some other post and I thought it was funny cuz his name was recon speller. Idk. But it looks good, I just don't think that walls make good floors personnaly. They look bad and are bumpy.