BBC Upset With Microsoft Over Xbox Live Payments - Xbox Live - Kotaku In short, xbox cannot put iplayer on for paying live customers only due to laws :/ Damn!
aaawww wuttt, cam on BBC!!! do it right!! or even MS!! i think it would give XBL a good head start if they made it a silver service in UK cos iplayer is a teenager thing isnt it? i cba to watch stuff when its on when im merking some noobs or goring some fat women lol
I'm still trying to figure out why much more is offered for the Europeans and not the Americans. As for your thread, I can totally understand why a company such as BBC would not want to take part in the business deal. Microsoft is money hungry and will do anything for it, at least from I know over the years of playing their systems and using their computers and such.
I also agree with the BBC. Its just MS trying to screw people for every penny they have, as usual. However, hasn't BBC been really successful on the PS3?
Europeans get much less than Americans believe me, I would imagine the reason it would not be available would be copyright issues etc, just like it is with Last.FM which is only available in America due to copyright.
See I didn't even know that dude, that totally throws my philosophy on this subject out the window or at least the part that I thought Microsoft was discriminating countries. Thanks for edumuhcatin meh good sir.
Wow, we might have had a balanced news station in a place that hyperactive American 12 year olds love, but no. They will be forced to live the life of ignorance that was bestowed upon them at birth. /rant
That would be pretty sweet. It doesn't so much encourage people to buy LIVE in the first place, but as you say it'd be a head start. And, tbh, it might well get people on to their platform, as you say it's a pretty nice attraction to add if it were on a silver basis. Really? I was pretty sure that my friend got ever since the community beta.
Europeans can get last FM as long as they have an adult account on,, I should know as my brother can get it but I can't. sadfaic
i say: silver service is limited to recent shows gold service has series catalogues surely then everyone can win? or just get 4OD