I'm wondering what makes Halo nerdy and epic suck, and why CoD is apparantly 'cool'. If you play Halo all day, you're fat, ugly, and have no friends, while if you play CoD all day, you're instantly a pimp and sip champagne in the back of class, with your arms around the two hottest chicks in the school. Discuss.
It doesn't it is as simple as that .. Your claims were over-exaggerated, so they technically don't happen. Also, lots of little kids and whiners play Halo, so older people dislike that part of the game, especially the whining part. It is very opinionated, also, this is not much of a debate
The only thing that seperates these two games is the mature level. Halo has several pre-teens that give Halo a stereotype of it being a game for younger ages. Also, COD has always been more realistic in the sense of killing real humans rather than aliens in the Covenent. That being said, COD just is looked as being more mature. I like both of them, probably Halo more though, but I do not get looked upon differently in my town at least...(And by the way, I don't think COD gamers get all the chicks, haha)
People are stupid, and somehow in the back of everyones minds, because it's realistic (or at least more so), it must be better.
Because most people prefer things that are more realistic, killing aliens vs. Killing terrorists isn't very hard to tell which is more realistic and closer to what is currently occuring in the world. Therefor, if you like science fiction and fantasy stuff with aliens of fairies, your a nerd... And everybody else is cool, even though they aren't.
It's exactly what a lot of people have stated already. When it's sci-fi vs reality, reality wins. If you are a crazed Star Wars addict, then you're a nerd. But if you're addicted to war and guns, then you're cool I guess. Halo tends to be thought of as a childish first person shooter. There is hardly any violence at all, and the only reason it's got an M rating is because there's a little blood, gore, and swearing. Also, because all the 5-year olds decided to play Halo rather than CoD, it's thought of as a more childish game. CoD on the other hand is reality. And the reality is that war occurs all the time. Humans killing other humans... When you compare killing another human being to killing a fictional character of another species, killing another human being tends to be the more violent, therefore "cool" thing to do. Although the violence and realism of it all is a factor when calling Halo nerdy and CoD "cool," the graphics of both games in comparism is the main factor. Halo, simply put, uses non-life-like graphics, when CoD uses photo-realistic graphics. The storyline for Halo is set in the future... And the storyline for CoD: MW (The only CoD that's defined as "cool") is set in the present.
Because you know, in Halo you don't fight other humans. See, in matchmaking, we all just get along. Right? Of course. Oh, and about Halo hardly having any violence at all. At what point do you draw the line defining violent from nonviolent? I suppose shooting people isn't enough for you right? No no, of course it's not. Not until they're heads asplode and sperm flies everywhere. THAT defines Call of Duty.
I wouldn't exactly say that Master Chief counts as a human... Oh, and the line I use to define violent from nonviolent is when the human on human action isn't there. When the blood and gore is hardly there at all...
Halo is known for more Serious gamers, and little kids with squeaky voices. In Call of Duty, you can find most of the time more mature players, but still serious gamers.
it doesn't seem like that difficult of a concept to grasp.. i mean halo, is... halo. like said earlier, it's a sci-fi game that's way beyond realism. Sci-fi fantasy is something that's harder for the masses to grasp. It's easier for younger audiences to immerse themselves within fiction that's as far fetched as halo. It's MUCH easier for older mature crowds to get into something that's based off of today's reality rather than a futuristic fantasy fiction. Maturity has always gone hand and hand with 'cool', it's just how it is, get used to it. I consider myself a huge nerd, and i'm completely happy with it. If you aren't ashamed of anything and open to everything you'll be a hit among any crowd, 'cool' or not. Call of Duty and Halo are both great games in the end.
I see Halo as an oldtime buddy which I experienced a lot with through my teens into my mid 20's. During that time I made a friend called COD4 whom I hung out a few times, but he became neglected and eventually disappeared. Then, later in life after I had turned 26 I met COD4 again but he was different and grown up. People called him COD:MW2 now and he was much more mature than before. Halo3 slipped under the radar and I had a new best buddy, COD:MW2. That my friends is why MW2 is better than halo.
Funny thing is, If a legit realistic game came out that was really well done, everyone would hate it. No radar on your screen, one shot kill for everything. maps would be absolutely huge. snipers would have ridiculous range.
^This. EDIT: Wait! this might be considered spam! I fully agree with the above statement because it addresses all of the points I had in mind to mention. I believe that because it is a newer series, it is seen as cool, whereas, Halo has fallen back because it is older.
Halo and CoD have different ways of replayability. CoD is just fighting while halo has a huge community of maps, screenshots and fighting. To a gamer that playes rarely And just gets on for about an hour once in a while it is more apealing to kill people with an AK47 than to make an amazing map. Halo is more apealing to the dedicated players while CoD appeals to people who aren't that dedicated. You say everyone who plays cod is a pimp? That's because people like to hear more about how you shot somebody in the head with a machine gun rather than how you out BRed someone or made a crazy map. Story time @my school there is to groups of gamers. The PC gamers and the Console gamers who mostly play cod. The cod gamers get more attention because people rather hear about guns and kills rather than GMod and audiosurf. And the dedicated halo 3 players? Well I stand alone =|
Since when did all cod gamers suddenly get teh hot chicks? Ima switching to cod now!! Point has been summarized: Halo=Sci-fi=Nerdy Cod=Real=Not nerdy.
People say oooh ur just a ***** in a power suit i have my hardcore AA12 (which i have to say is badass) and riot sheild. Its as simple as that, lazers and aliens vs nukes and nazis