Hey guys, I haven't posted here in a while. Here's one of my newer screenshots. Download here Thanks.
That's actually really cool, not going to lie. Just the way the colors went negative and visor is black, think of a clever name for this. I'll love you forever.
I agree the viscor thing is really sick!I like the lightuing under the gun and the backgorund.Finally a screenie by the way and its nice.Very cool flow and background I might add.
The smoky background really gives off an ominous feeling but the white recon creates a very cool contrast. I also really like how the light source does put emphasis on the recon but the background still is visible and adds to the overall character of the pic.
Thanks you guys, I really appreciate the nice comments. I feel like I might retire completely from taking screenshots, I just feel like I'm past my prime. I haven't really produced a screenshot of the caliber I used to lately, granted I haven't been attempting many screenshots, but still. A while ago I would constantly create good screenshots, but this is my most recent one that I think is good enough to post and I took it 5 months ago. I guess the bar in my mind has been raised so far that I don't accept ok screenshots any more. Oh well, I'm sure none of you really care, so I'm just going to stop.
Dont feel bad Alec.I love all of your screenshots.If you retire I will literally change my name to "sad faic".But yeah your shots are better then a lot of other people;'s.Remember that man.Anyways nice screenshot and flow in bg.
Hey Alec, long-time-no-see. To be fair, you did take this over 6 months ago, but it's still a really nice shot. It's an excellent composition too - it's more or less a portrait shot, and yet you can imagine the rest of the Spartan's surroundings while looking at this. My only complaint is that you have two main things to look at, which can confuse viewers. Either have the face or the SMGs closer to the middle, and it'd look a bit better. Excellent effect, too. Your screenshots shouldn't even be graded by a 1-5 scale, so I won't even bother.
Did you crop that or do you have a widescreen? That doesn't look the same dimensions as most screenies. But I am sadfacing of you retire. So don't. Or else I will find your address and send you a sad puppie and make you feel guilty.
Im not gunna lie this is an amazing black and white pic, it looks really natural and has a nice flow to it. what Fx did you use? Im gunna say juicy and black and white (well obviously b&w)