Hello again, this is Corruo Sato. A fun casual slayer ctf koth oddball pretty much everything map for Ghost Town. The map is probably my most in depth and longest to make so i hope ya'll enjoy. Weapon List: Assault Rifle x 2 30 second respawn Battle Rifle x 5 45 second respawn Shotgun x 1 90 second respawn SMG x 2 45 second respawn Sniper Rifle x 1 120 second respawn Spiker x 2 60 second respawn Rockers x 1 120 second respawn Brute Shot x 1 60 second respawn Hammer x 1 90 second respawn Mauler x 1 90 second respawn Plasma Rifle x 2 60 second respawn Equipment List: Frag grenades x 8 10 second respawn Plasma nades x 4 10 second respawn Spiker nades x 4 10 second respawn Bubble sheild x 1 90 second respawn Regenerator x 1 120 second respawn Grav lift x 1 60 second respawn Vehicles: Ghost x 1 120 second respawn I know i know it seems like a bunch of crap but trust me im glad i put this much weaponry. If i could i might have put more. Now for some screenshots then some action shots. Wooden walkways Attackers base/ new walkway Greenhouse new walkway Ghost spawn Invis spawn Defenders base Inside Defenders (pardon the CaptnSTFU wins deal dam theatre) Action Action Action shots!!!! Ninja'd Smack down Splat! Group fight Preoccupied And now the DL: |Corruo Sato|
You feed us lies, this isn't on the heroic maps. This is a legendary map... Other than that it looks ok, I prefer not using the boxes on ghost town but in cases like this they look ok. Ill try and test it out later.
Okay i was going to wait one more day but seriously. No one other than RC will post on my map (thank you btw) now im not trying to bump this intentionally but my citadel map got so many and it took me like half a day spaced out while studying to do that map. This map has taken me at least 3 weeks of planning, then 1 week of testing then another week of fine tuning. Now it may be just me but does no one ever take time to respond to maps i had 200 something views but 1 response lol. PS. if you want to flame me for bumping my map go ahead at least this thread will have some posts.
u kno this is an amazing map for being forged on a map like ghost town as nothing is really easy to do so i give respect to u for succeeding in making an awesome map on ghost town 8/10
Nice... I've checked out all your maps, although this is probably the best. It's the Ghost Town Bungie would have made if they weren't too lazy.
Looks good, except some parts look a little bare. Also, there should be at least two vehicles in the map.
Well as enclosed/ blocked off, as this map is the ghost can barely go around the map. For CTF i guess a mongoose at each side would work but the way the weapons are balanced out the Ghost is the best choice. Also its location makes it hard to get too. If your on attackers you can have the ghost, if your on the defenders your can get rockets easily so it just made the map more balanced.
Wow, more Ghost merged than Ghost town (Sorry, I had to say that!) Anyway, this is really good. Nice extra platforms and new weapon spawns. Very nice! Where are the CTF, Oddball and Assult Bomb/Flag/Oddball Spawns? Other than that, its great!
Ctf spawns: One inside the Attacker base, like regular. The other one is in front of the cave area on the other side of the map. Assault same thing, neutral bomb Oddball is in the middle of the atrium, or center structure. Territories are scattered around the map as well as KOTH im pretty sure there are 8 territories and 5 KOTH zones. If im wrong you have to forgive me, this map was release a while back and is just now getting responses.