Riot shield .44 magnum throwing knige marathon pro cold blooded pro commando pro Anyone else pissed there isn't a riot shield mastery challenge and the fact that deflecting 50000 bullets is a bit ridiculous.
maybe not, it shouldn't take too long, especially in TDM where everyone just goes for kills rather than flags, etc.
I absorbed 40000 bullets with my riot shield. Guess how many I've deflected. If you guessed 900 then you're correct. 50k is truly ridiculous. Every other challenge is easy. [RIOT] is okay, but kind of boring.
I hate riot shield users, they're the only ****ers I can't take out. I can't snipe them unless they're heading in the opposite direction, and I can't take them out with my dual rangers if I'm close enough because they're usually running right at me. I just run away...goddamn annoying.
I sidestep when they lunge at me, or I jump over the sides to knife them. When they are just sitting there taking a beating, I run away or throw a flash/stun grenade at them and take cover.
so, to sumup the clan info. official name -rioteers clan tag- riot emblem- the one with the riot shield title-blunt trauma and i will make an official gamertag for all of the rioteers to join, called xrioteerx. will update when it is made. this is what i think is the best choice, is open for discussion.
i hit one in the foot from far away with a throwing knife once. it was epic. but yeah, most of the time i run around a corner and set down mah claymore.
Its actually easiest to get deflected bullets in domination. But at most, you get about 70 bullet deflections a game. I mean nobodys going to shoot at you with more than a clip at a time and thats rare. Now you just need 50,000. Its gonna take a while. Being a consistant user, I owuld say the best way to kill them is quickly sidestep them. Its not hard to dodge semtex. If you see they are going to throw them, you go behind a wall. Its not too hard to kill them either.
The first thing that comes to mind is the song Let's Start a Riot. Come to think of it, Let's start a Riot sounds like a good clan name. You could even make [LSaR] you clan tag.
The last game I played I stood in front of a sentry gun with my riot shield, I absorbed 850 exp worth of bullets. I just unlocked the "owned" callsign (Obtained by getting the game winning kill with a riot shield.)
Thats why I have semtex and a grenade launcher, on an M16 or the ACR. FN2000 when I get it. only 4 levels away and please don't call me a noob because I use grenade launchers I only use them on rioteers or when I'm pissed.
I don't see why it matters. So Name- let's start a riot or rioteers? Tag- lsar or riot? Title- backsmasher Emblem- riot shield with skull And the GT will vary based on name. So, objections? And which name/tag?