Okay, picture this. You're in a game (regardless of the playlist) and your team are crap to be honest. So what do you do, go clutch? I do, and I record them. Post yours BELOW. Heres one of my best. Post the gametype aswell. Team BR's - Social Slayer
It looks too unreal shockwave. Did you save the video so we can see if this is legit? If it's real, wow. You definitely carried that team Illegal.
It actually is Guardian, upon closer inspection. Carried pics are always funny in my eyes, although I don't have any of my own, I'm working on it.
Yeah mine is real. I had 2 friends with me and 1 of them was pretty new to halo. (I bet you can guess who that was) But sorry I dont have a video . Thats the only proof I got. THe only other proof I have is that picture and that I have no idea who the people i played are. I think I died 5 or 6 times and now that i look at it i think its guardian too. :/
My only good carry was when I was playing a game of Team Snipers, and I won a 4v1 of Shotty-Snipes on blackout. All 3 quit out as soon as the game began! They weren't even boosters, too.
Thats a carry to you? I do that every other game man. I say the difference between a high score and a carry is 30 and you got 23. Thats what a carry seems to me.
Well, considering I went +21 in that game I would say so =D. Im a support player (when I have a good enough team) so 23 is a lot from me =D New one again. I got off to an UBER clutch start then moved to support my team.
I started off in a game of team fiesta really well like that, i think at 1 point my team's kills were 18-me, 7, 5, and 4, but then two guys on the other team quit and I rarely saw the remaining two and ended up with llike 23 kills.