No name ( possibly Vain) Well I am in the middle of making a map and I am stuck and need some help There are 3 main layers to this map the pics may not show it all but hopefully you will get the jist of it Here are the pics so far Older pics Spoiler over view over view 2 Cannon man near to a possible team spawn( the cannon man is just the right power to greach the 3rd floor) Middle structure Middle structure view 2 part of the second layer The new size A new feature (this is to tease the players) New walkway ( You can see the teleporter) The other teleporter A new area...well sort of A new extended area of the map UPDATE I have changed the wall and added a big aesthetic for the map i know it looks scruffy but i am still finishing the map Also thought of a name rebirth or something like that So here they are the newer pics Spoiler New view (notice the new aesthetics) another view Blue side (notice teleporter) middle and you can see the other teleporter Other view of the middle view of blue side view of red side New Wall Please remember that this is not the finished product and I am still making changes, you may also notice that there are weapons on the map these might not be the weapons on the finished product they are there so I can see what the map might turn out like. I will accept advice on what to do so please don't go "this is scruffy sort it out" please post constructive criticism.
Looks like you have put a bit of work into this map so far but I have a few suggestions: 1. Using walls as floors makes the map bumpy (i know from experience). I would suggest using Block, Huges as the floors (it may be thicker but at least it wont be bumpy. 2. From the pictures I have seen it looks like a very small map. Im assuming from the pictures that the map is using a bit more than 1/4 of the crypt. Even though it is 3 levels high spawn camping could be very big issue. Maybe if you were to extend the edges out more to use not all but most of the crypt. Sandbox has tons of objects and budget to use so you're not going to run out. I hope this maps turns out well. I don't have any suggestions on what to add, just the suggestions on how to make it a bit better.
I like the layout. It looks well thought out and intricate. There are a few areas that appear to be a little open, but it might just be the perspective. How many players do you think it will be able to support?
At the moment i am still deciding but it shouldn't be too many and as I said it's still being made so if I need to make changes because of how many players I would like it to support I will change it and the areas that are open i am going to add more cover in some parts as well so thanks for the advice
This update looks really neat. I like how you have used up more of the crypt and have added some angled objects (rather than your previous map being mostly sqaure). Great work, hope this turns out really nicely. EDIT: Name = Vain.
Cheers Likewise i hope it goes good as well (lol)(like the name that's a good suggestion) anyways thanks for the complements I wanna release at the latest of just after new years but i hope to finish it after christmas