Thanks for the advice chicago, after everyone saying pretty much the same thing as you I've decided against snipers. Lip, the earliest I will be testing it is next weekend and probably not then. As phenomenal referred to, insane gave me some good advice so I'll be mixing things around a little which is going to take a while. I'll be testing it around the 10th of december and many times after that, I'll make sure you get to test it.
I really think it would be nice to see fuel rods on a map such as this: They make gameplay so much more exciting! about the map so far: i seem to remember the hills in timberland being taller, but i think it might be better for the map with the height you chose. The fact that you couldn't walk up some of the hills in the original always pissed me off to no end, and the boulders you added look like they would make up for the lost cover anyways. i'd love to help test this map gt: sourdauer
Yeah they were much taller but there isn't enough objects to be able to make the hills that big and then complete the rest of the map. I'm definitely trying out the fuel rods when testing, just need to get it ready.
I love the looks of this map Knarly! Cynderland looks like what I've always wanted to build! But I'm not that great when it comes to using tin cups. For some reason they tend to flash no matter what, and because I'm somewhat OCD when it comes forging... I kinda can't work with circular objects. They don't match up evenly, and it bothers me. But you've done an excellent job working with them for that hill type terrain running through the middle! But enough about my problems, Cynderland reminds me of Blood Gulch, Coagulation, and Valhalla combined. The rocky terrain combined with the unique bases will be a sure hit with some people here at Forge Hub. However... Without Cynderland in my hard drive, I cannot tell how well the cover blocks the line of sight, or what your budget is. But what I can say is that you need taller cover. You've done a great job of using most of Sandbox, but the fact still stands that if I were standing on the second floor of one base, I could see all the way to the second floor of the opposite base. And if I can see all the way to the opposite base, the bases are not going to be a safe place to be. Usually in a competitive map, the bases are supposed to be the safes places. Kind of like in a game of capture the flag in real life. If you went around looking at all the most classic maps of our multiplayer time, you might begin to see a similarity. Coagulation was an instant classic, and what seperated the two bases was a large height difference in the middle of the map. I understand that you're trying to keep a theme going on here with Cynderland, but maybe some sort of tree or large boulder could be the main line of sight blocker between each base? Try some test sessions on Cynderland before you release it, and if there are any issues with the line of sight, do not ignore them! Fix them before the map is released to the public! Line of sight is a very important thing to make perfect in a competitive map if you want any chance at getting it noticed.
I have an idea for your map ! Maybe you could take the covers and the hill and remove the base for blood gluch base . It would be cool ! Maybe we can do it ? GT : DANJESS99
I've had a bit of re-think and I'm going to shuffle some stuff around and get rid of the hills in front of the base and replace them with something else. I'll have new pictures up in a week or so.
if it uses less objects, i still think you should have higher points along the sides. it would really help gameplay in my opinion. ive been repeating this throughout the thread, and havent been acknowledged, and i just want to make sure you heard me. sorry im being a bother.
Read my last post, that tells you what I'm currently doing with the map. I won't be posting the actual definitive version for a while yet, I'm going to conduct rigourous testing to get this map just right before releasing it. Wooden: I'm afaird I don't have enough objects to create that kind of stucture, thanks for the suggestion though. Edit: I have a free day tomorrow so I'll get some forging done and post a picture of my new additions to the map, get some feedback from people.
I've posted the test thread for next saturday, 8PM EST time. Heres the thread which contains a sneak preview of the recent changes.
Oh the change are o.k but its to amazing ! Did you keep th grass halway ? If no ! Maybe add a sniper in each base !
Just had the first game on Cynder, there were a couple of problems but I thouht it was great fun overall and I can't wait to iron out the little flaws and have it playing to the best of its ability. Some screens from the test.
I really really like the way this map looks...and I haven't even played it yet! If this map plays anything like it looks, it'll go far...very far. I will be at your next TG test knarly, you can count on that
hey if you are wanting to do some testing on this invite me oO havey Oo This has been a long project and needs to be done already! so i will help test
I just got 3 RRoD today so I dunno when it'll be released now, I've got about a week's worth of testing left to do on it.. I'll have to postpone the release for now.