Not only are killballs tacky, but the "eye" (center part of the killball, ...(the part you can grab)) has to be able to see the object its killing, if it can't, it won't affect it. If that makes any sense.
To balence it you could give the attakers a tank, a guass hog, hornet ect. Like i said before this map looks like it gunna be epic
I hope so but im not sure if im gunna pull it off within budget/object limits. If i plan it out right i should be able to though. I'm not sure about powerful vehicles like you have mentioned as im not a fan of vehicles in general but we'll have to find that out during testing. Anyway I will start forging this soon, i am just trying to perfect my ghost merging technique + I am going to finish another smaller map i am currently planning/forging (I will post a preview for this soon). As I've previously mentioned, I will keep this thread updated with screenshots of the WIP. BTW I am still looking for name suggestions. I understand its not easy to name a map before its nearing completion but i would just like a few idea's. Yea I agree completely, I will be ghost merging a variety of blocks and huge/large wedges to make the boundaries. One of my main aims is to make the terrain to look as realistic as possible yep thats the idea ;D
terranium, even though it was similar to terranoya. i thought of it before i saw cryptos post. also, you should make a cave on the far right side of the wall, if there isnt anything to allow passage there. do i spy a ladder in that? because i must say, a ladder isnt a very convenient way over the wall.considering we cant climb them.
i've actually decided to use that name for another map im making (i hope you dont mind).. it suited the other map better imo. And wooden leaf im not sure exactly what im gunna do in terms of that ladder atm. maybe just a ramp that goes up through the inside of the building from the outside
i suggested a cave btw. and hillside is a possible name. sounds good to me. ill search and get back edit:hillside is unused. seems like it would be a popular name, but whatever. i guess most maps arent on hills.
This looks like it'll be great when it's finished. I don't like High Ground much (for FFA anyway) so thisll be great, if you can fit it in the object limit. Here's a name idea: Tall Ground This looks like it'll be great when it's finished. I don't like High Ground much (for FFA anyway) so thisll be great, if you can fit it in the object limit. Here's a name idea: Dry Ground (get it?)
don't do it. First, bungie planned to have TWO turrets for defense and one entrance... good luck with that.
High and Dry is good, but are you really gona do this without Ghostmerging? that seems like it'l be extremely hard to do. also i think i know a part of the dunes on sandbox that'd be perfect for this.