Tiger Woods: Injuries Caused by Wife, Not SUV Posted Nov 28th 2009 6:08AM by TMZ Staff Tiger Woods did not suffer facial lacerations from a car accident. They were inflicted by his wife, Elin Nordegren -- according to a conversation Woods had Friday after the accident. Tiger has yet to be formally interviewed by the Florida Highway Patrol -- that should happen this afternoon. But we're told Tiger had a conversation Friday -- with a non-law enforcement type -- detailing what went down before his Escalade hit a fire hydrant. We're told he said his wife had confronted him about reports that he was seeing another woman. The argument got heated and, according to our source, she scratched his face up. We're told it was then Woods beat a hasty retreat for his SUV -- but according to our source, Woods says his wife followed behind with a golf club. As Tiger drove away, she struck the vehicle several times with the club. We're told Woods became "distracted," thought the vehicle was stopped, and looked to see what had happened. At that point the SUV hit the fire hydrant and then hit a tree. We're also told Woods had said during the conversation Friday he had been taking prescription pain medication for an injury, which could explain why he seemed somewhat out of it at the scene. Ok so that was just the story for all of you clueless about the situation. Apparently, Woods and his wife are to talk to police today: Tiger, Elin expected to talk with police Sunday - Golf- nbcsports.msnbc.com I really was so confused about this entire topic when it was first publicly released, so I would like to hear some arguments about this because I find it really strange.
More of an article than a debate. Wanna move this to general chat? We could probably get more discussions going there.
Yea your right. The only reason I posted it here was to get people's opinions about the topic but then it's probably more suitable for General Chat. Am I able to move it there, or do we need an admin to do it?
Wow, that was stupid as ****. And this sounds like bullshit to me. TMZ should not be trusted as a credible source. Every report from every legitimate news organization I've read says the lacerations were caused by the accident.
Yea, I was extremely skeptical about the source too but hopefully we can find out today what the real truth is.
TMZ creates so much BS about celebrities that it's really hard to say anything right now. I say this is now a Tiger Woods pun thread. I bet Tiger wishes he could use a mulligan on that drive.
Hes got to watch himself with a wife that can swing like that otherwise shes going to continue clubbing him on the head. 2 puns in one, beat it!
Beat this one-This is the first time Tiger has failed to drive 300 yards! Haha, but here are some stories on the debate whether the accident injured him or his wife did: Hold That Tiger News Bruce Wolf, Chicago Now Tiger Injured In Car Wreck David Kurtz, Talking Points Memo Tiger Seriously Injured? Allahpundit, Hot Air Tiger Looks Fine Staff, TMZ Woods' Car Accident: Bizarre Andrew Sharp, SB Nation Tiger Woods Injured Car Crash James Joyner, Outside the Beltway This Is Why The Internet Wins MG Siegler, Tech Crunch Tiger Woods Hurt in Crash David Knowles, True/Slant Tiger Crash Linked to Rachel Uchitel Affair? Jon Azpiri, Now Public
..and I thought Tiger did all his bad driving on tour (cue laughter) This is a very interesting situation. Some reports were saying that Tiger's wife broke the back window of the SUV to pull him out of the vehicle after his 'accident'. But it's hard to believe that his wife (a model) could pull the 185 lb Tiger out the back of the SUV. Plus, why would he be leaving the house after 2 AM? They have been avoiding the police since it happened and the whole situation has just seemed fishy from the get go.
The wife of the world's No.1 golfer Tiger Woods used one of his tools -- a golf club -- to smash open a window of his crashed SUV and then pulled him out of the damaged vehicle after an early-morning accident Friday outside their Isleworth mansion.
Tiger cancels another meeting with troopers - Golf- nbcsports.msnbc.com http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/30/sports/golf/30woods.html?_r=1&hp Hey, the rumors are false. Is anyone ****ing surprised? /thread
Then why the hell did he cancel another meeting?!? Is he embarrassed or something? Obviously, there is another issue revolving around this topic because if he really was comfortable in saying it was his fault, he would go up in front of the press and say it. I'm still skeptical...
If you had read the articles, you'd have seen that he said “This situation is my fault, and it’s obviously embarrassing to my family and me. I’m human and I’m not perfect. I will certainly make sure this doesn’t happen again.” So yes, he is embarrassed about it. But that doesn't mean his wife assaulted him. TMZ is so ****ing dumb.
Yes, I understand he said that but it was on his website. Why doesn't he talk about it in person? That's the only thing that confuses me to why he doesn't talk to the police at the very least. (And by the way, I think TMZ is stupid too but it was the only website talking about it as an abuse situation...)
That's exactly why it's not a reliable source. It's not a credible news organization; it just spreads celebrity gossip. Look at any of the major news networks and you'll find there all reporting the same thing: it was an accident, alcohol wasn't involved, and there was no foul play.
Here are some quite humorous explanations for the crash: Tiger Woods Accident - Possible Explanations I like Explanation 4 the most haha...
I heard from a reliable news source that his wife used the golf club to help him get out of the car, after it crashed into the tree.