Sandbox MLG pyriform

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by cowboypickle23, Nov 27, 2009.

  1. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Okay first off in this topic, congrats on a first for a remake. The attention to the details is amazing, your flooring is crazy smooth, and the S tower is very clean.

    Now onto my bad parts of the map. Alot of the map seems off, what i mean by that is the dimensions. Some parts of the map are perfect size. Aka the middle and elbow and sniper tower. Bottom mid could use a little work, just some more attention to the elevation difference that Guardian has. But blue window and ramp to bottom blue seems very bulky. The wooden ramp? come on man you could have worked a smoother maybe even tiered ramp to the bottom some how. The lift from green to invis, you can make it on top of the level. Not kidding just jump into it at certain angles. Same goes with the Sniper lift. You can fix this by just changing the angle and depth the man cannons are placed under the barrier.

    Now i know this isn't supposed to be a perfect remake or nada, and of course no one is perfect, i myslef have some really un smooth stuff in my maps that i revise all the time. But if you want some help for a v2 that has all the little attention taken care of just hit me up im down to help man. I have an idea for a mix of guardian and lockout. So i really like the style of your map and how clean the top is and such, so maybe i can inlist your help on my map?
  2. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    the map is suppoesed to be abit smaller than the origional. .that way it suits 2v2 and 3v3 better.. as for the bottom hallway,,it has every elevation difference that the real guardian has. i kept going to guardian to make sure of this. and as for the blue room and lift to s3 area, that is where i basically ran out of obects/money. i was scraping just to get that area done. and the wooden bridge is there just for that reason. otherwise i would have to replace the wooden bridge with 3 interlocked walls. but thanks for the suggestions. ill see what i can do

    DONT EAT A BABY Ancient

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    Nice job cowboy pickle on the guardian remake it plays really well i think i like the oddball game play more on pyriform than i do on guardian.
  4. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Lol ok i c now, well like i said if your down for helping me, maybe at the same time we can work on a v2 of your map.
  5. simonstwin

    simonstwin Ancient
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  6. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I played this map earlier.. its a nice forge.. but it seems lazy..

    You seemed to have gone all out at the beginning then when nearing the end you realised your going to run out of objects and went half arsed at it..

    I did like the way it looked.. but i think its just an admiration map. One that someone can say, nicely done. But it wont be played in comparison to the real guardian because it just simply doesnt have enough weapons on it.

    Great job on the overall forge of it though.. I tried a remake ages ago and abandoned it because of budget.
  7. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    ok someone has very generously made a very nice video of the map. so ive added it.
  8. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Looks really sick, downloading right now. I've yet to see a decent remake of Guardian. Hope this one is legit. (Looks to be)
  9. SMGstrings

    SMGstrings Ancient
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    Now that I've run a few smaller scale games on the map I do have to say I'd like to see G1-G2 return, but thats really not that important. The other issues I've had though broke the map for me. The team that spawns near custom has a huge advantage over the team spawning blue/mauler. The fact is Custom is far more valuable to a team than a mauler is and will guarantee sniper to whoever happens to grab it thus giving them the potential to cover camo and get it to their teammate. In the first few games I played it turned into a team of 2 having a guy with custom + snipe and the other guy with camo...who ended up with mauler if the sniper did his job.

    Combine this issue with the inconsistent lifts and unfortunately I found opening on this map to be rather unenjoyable, and it left a mark on the rest of the game as well. I suggest working the lifts to be a little more consistent as well as either moving custom to bottom mid and removing mauler or moving mauler to bottom mid. I know you wanted to move the map away from being just a smaller Guardian, but the current placements just aren't working.
  10. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    ok. yeah i will do more testing. ive had others say about the same things as you. i had an oversheild, less valuable than the custom, but there are no overs in MLg so either i bend MLG rules and get loads of comments, or i do what you do. but what usually happens in my games is that, you know how the team spawns at elbow,,, i made the spawns mostly face green. so most people walk forward when they start games so after about the 30 sec. it takes to realize where they are... do you kind of get what im saying. and the other team has the same amount of opportunityto get the sniper. and the custom actually can where out really fast, because unlike overs your not invincible for the first couple secs. you can wear a custom down prettty fast. but i do realize where your coming from and ill do more testing and most likely change some things.
  11. boomerdude

    boomerdude Ancient
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    i downloaded and i thought it looked great but i didn't like the bumps ... great spacing it was good overall but i don't think you have enough weapons i think it was 2 or 3 i can't remember but it wasn't enough for me but whatever floats your boat good job 3.5/5
  12. SMGstrings

    SMGstrings Ancient
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    This trick will only work for the first couple games. The players I ran customs with are quite familiar with the game and quickly learned to start by charging snipe, and then holding snipe/green. That setup with the power weapons it offers is an ironclad lock down of the map.

    Actually one of the settings for MLG Custom is invincibility for 3 seconds after pickup. Even if it gets burnt you still have 3 seconds of invincibility without the shield boost.

    I look forward to playing on future versions and would be more than happy to help you playtest.
  13. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Technically, it hasnt. In s1 there are two elavation changes, you may not notice one of them but there is, also in s1 theres cover at both sides of the wall you missed.

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