After playing conquest this afternoon with a few friends i think having conquest in action sack wouldnt really work. People go in action sack for pointless fun and no team work with no strings action. Conquest to me, could be the next team objective.. or at least a splash in it. I personally think this could grab a position in Team Throwback, because your literally throwing your opposition back all the time. Also a v5 sounds good to me, i was playing with some people who hadnt played conquest before and they didnt really like the 75% damage. Also a couple of people complained at the custom traits. I changed damage modifier back to 100% and had the custom traits set to invulnerability: 110% , leech: 50%, waypoint: everyone, forced colour: gold, speed: 110%, duration: 30s. This gave the custom power up the meaning to be called a power up as everyone else who picked custom up as usual didnt seem to get any benefit from it. most people thought it wasnt working. Not sure if you guys think this is worth looking at but we sure as hell enjoyed it earlier
Thank you for taking the time to post that kind of feedback here! I really appreciate it that you posted some of the feedback from some new Conquests players as well. That sort of thing helps a lot for setting up a v5. I haven't looked into team Throwback much yet, but I will play a few games in it this week to see what its all about. And I think the opinions are pretty consistent for Action Sack. Most people wouldn't take it seriously enough to work. I will try and get some games in it with that in mind as well. Thanks for dropping by, steve! Hope to hear more from you in the future
no worries man, you on later? I could do with a few tests on Endure v3.. just to see if its worth submitting for the matchmaking thread.. I dont really know a lot of people who play conquest though, so im kinda hoping you could bring along a few people who can take it seriously enough to know the right plans for pushing etc...
Ok so I joined the Conquest in Matchmaing group. I also created a good recruiting message, that contains what people need to know. Hello! I am asking you, a member of, if you would like to join the group Conquest In Matchmaking to support our cause. Our goal is to get a very popular variant called "Conquest" into matchmaking. What is Conquest, you ask? Conquest is a game variant of Territories. Now before you say "TERRITORIES? Thats LAME!", keep reading. Conquest is a variant of Territories, where the entire map is covered in non-locking territories. So wherever you go, you are in a territory. So now your wondering what kinda maps this variant is played on. Conquest is played on "Linear" maps. Linear, meaning there is only one path. This means the whole map is a "choke point" of constant action. You and your team spawn at one end, and the other team spawns at the other (imagine the map is the shape of an "S"). Your team tries to push forwards, capturing territories as you go. The goal of the game is to capture all of the territories, or have the most at the end of the round. The variant itself is a little complex. There are 3 rounds, of 3-5 minutes. Only certian weapons are used, most of them chosen because they have large ammo clips. To win, you need to have the most territories by the end of the time limit. There are 2 more common versions... V3 - standard damage traits -custom powerup (10 seconds of invulnerability with 75% damage) -Respawn time: 5 seconds V4 -75% damage modifier -custome powerup (30 seconds of 50% leech) -vehicle operation disabled -respawn time: 10 seconds (synchronized with team, and spawn on captures These 2 versions are used depending on the weapons on the map. For a more detailed description of Conquest, and the weapons/maps used, click the "Complete Game Description" link below. Hopefully your all excited about this variant, cause we are! Our goal is to get the amazing variant Conquest into matchmaking. And we need your support! Maybe you have some amazing map ideas, or maybe you will just join the group for the "luls". But we want you to join the fight for Conquest in Matchmaking! Conquest right now is very popular on the websites Forgehub and Xforgery. Which is why we hope you join our group, so we can gain more support here. If you want more information, here is a list of important Conquest links. CIM group Gametype Description Gunnergrunts Conquest Guide Book of Conquest (The ultimate Conquest resource) Xforgery Conquest Certified Maps Conquest in Matchmaking Forgehub Spotlight Forgehub Conquest Maps XForgery Conquest Maps Thanks. We appreciate your support.
A pretty impressive summary of Conquest for someone as new to it as yourself, Alec! I haven't used a recruiting message for the group because we only want people who know what the game is and support its endeavor to enter Matchmaking, but I think your message explains that all pretty well. As of right now, we're at a standstill while waiting for certain things to happen before we proceed with anything, but it wouldn't hurt to hunt down more supporters on I have a few really good threads saved in their forums for potential supporters. In your recruiting message, mention that they can get a taste of Conquest in our bi-weekly Conquest Customs before they choose to support CIM or not. Thanks, Alec!