Hah Lip, its not so epic at the moment. Not compared to what it can be anyway. Thanks for the comments people.
You improve every time i see you. I love all of the stuff you are producing nowwa days. keep it up broseph. Invite me for testing whenever you're ready. Gt: HeCtic LuvsBluh (newer accout)
dude this has got to be the sickest thing i have ever seen! that is amazing when can i download? I also have a proposal for you. what do you think about making a motocross style racetrack course with this? it will be a hit images of motocross tracks http://www.racerproductions.com/images/HighPoint/2006/HPMap_3D.jpg http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/face/images/03nj093a.jpg http://www.dirtbikemods.com/forum/images/cusses_gorse_mx.jpg
Let's take into account that in the absence of cover and sharp angled walls that currently resides in the map, the fuel rod gun will be much less powerful thanks to its automatic ricocheting on smaller acute angles, which will reduce it's effectiveness as a close/mid range weapon - if you make sure to place it in a fairly open area, I think it will do fine.
This maps looks amazing. Maybe add some columns, or more aesthetic structures on the sides, maybe even looming over the map. If you ever need to test it, just send me a message, I would love to test it.
Testing won't be for a while yet, its still far from completion. I've had some new ideas which will put me back a bit, going to try my hardest on this map as I probably won't be making many more. I've edited the OP with two new pictures showing the latest developments.
i think there should be a legde / mountain type thing going along one side of the map. it should be elevated a bit more above the rest of the map
Looks great the rocks around the map look outstanding! And as for the fuel rods, go for it, but reduce the clips to 0 for both, that should make it right.
This is looking fantastic. The fuel rods sound like a good idea, people can lob them over the hills. Something you could add if you have budget/objects available is stone collumns as trees. I've never played Timberland (at least not that I can remember) but Ive seen a screenshot of it and this looks pretty accurate considering there's no trees, grass, or boulders in Sandbox. Good job!
Just added the final screenshots before testing and release. Keep your eyes open in the TG forum in a weeks time or so, thats when I'll have it ready to go.
Man, you gotta get me in on testing. You know how much I loved Enternity Vale and I have a good feeling this will be a worthy follow-up, maybe even better.
Tell me when you test it and maybe could be cool to play it on matchmaking . Maybe BTB could go in it . Great map , The base are very cool because its really timbaland base remake . I was hope that the blue base still like the reds because we dont saw the blue base yet !
Don't worry Lip and everyone else wanting to test, I'm going to have many tests with this map so everyone will get a chance
Duuuuuuuuuude. Lets do it like as soon as possible. I almost can't play at all this week after today.
Let me just start by saying this map is absolutely beautiful. Looking at the work you had to put in with all the advanced Geo-merging is incredible. I just have a few constructive critizems to add. First, while the looks amazing it is very low and seems to give a very wide range of view from all angles. This is very similar to the Blood Gulch feel but the only problem with that is that Blood Gulch used its massive size to compensate for great sight lines. There is no way around this due to Sandbox's small size. Also, I'm not sure if you have one or not but I highly suggest NOT adding a sniper. Like Standoff this map seems too flat to balance a sniper. I suggest continuing to add as much cover as possible and continuing to add landscape to provide beauty and playability to the map. Overall, amazing job, I can't wait to see this map released to the public.