I started making comics using screenshots on Halo and Photoshop. The first website that I showed these to liked them, so I thought that I would post them here. Unfortunately, my Photoshop version (photoshop.com) does not have an option to merge the screenshots into one big comic (that I am aware of...) and due to the large size, these pictures must be positioned vertically in order to fit the page and I wanted to make them readable. Steve's Problem By: Mikelp10 Note: I do not consider Gears of War a "bad game". Please do not get offended by that.
It's a "sketch" effect to make it look more like something drawn with colored pencils or markers. Its all they have to offer, but it looks more like a comic than Halo graphics.
I didn't find it funny, and it's not because of the Gears of War joke. Don't be offended though, I don't really laugh at most stuff on the internet.
i liked it the dioloug was a wee bit cheesy though but its pobably better than anythin i could make. 7/10 ps you should make a seires your going to need to name the other characters if you do. My favorite part was when he was like " you are an idiot"
None taken. I am kinda making a series. I have Red and Blue team and they have incredibly huge fails. I've made a few and were going to post them, but wanted to see if anyone was thinking "Comics are... stupid..." and didn't want to spam the forum with 3 threads at the same time. I want to thank everyone that has left feedback and would like to ask you to tell me whether or not I should continue posting these.
Yeah, I liked it, so keep at em. Not too many people do this kind of thing so think it will stand out pretty well as long as you keep pumpin them out.