YouTube- Gameplay Clip: 1v1 Strong Start Check out these nade banks. This here is guaranteed the best part about my gameplay. Always knowing where the other person is and my nades are beast, if I do say so myself. :-D
The rest of the game went good, Nothing special, but good. Ended up being about 15 - 6 or 7, but I was getting cocky cause I was playing really well and having a little too much fun. Yeah, don't mind the editing. I was just happy Triggz did it for me. It's just to show that I can actually have a 1v1 without starting at least 0 - 4. and to teach a nice little nade bank. And yes. The name of the gametype is modded to show a killing spree medal, not sure why but I like it. haha Thank youf or replying guys. :-D If you want, check out some of my other vids too.