Bonus Round! Bonus Round... Good Luck! Welcome to my newest maps and gametype. Bonus Round was made to bring the same fun as the bonus round in ODST with out having to complete a set. The goal is simple. Kill as many grunts as possible and don't die in 2 minutes. Heres how it works. The grunts spawn in a chamber and wait 20 seconds to die and enter the arena. They have full plasma grenades (catch skull) and a plasma pistol. They enter the arena though little chambers in the sky. As they are pushed out of those chambers by a grav lift the pass a weapon holder that has four plasma grenades and 1 fuel rod on 30 second respawn. The amount of chambers depends on the map. The ODSTs spawn in the map and have 20 seconds to prepare. They are equiped with a SMG and a Magnum. They have no health recharge. There are 2 health packs (CPUs) on every map they never spawn so use them wisely. Player Traits: Grunts- 50% Health No shields No shield recharge 90% Damage done Weapon Pickup enabled Unlimited Ammo Disabled Forced Color Purple ODSTs- 200% Health Normal Shields No shield recharge 100% Damage Done Weapon Pick up enabled Unlimited Ammo Disabled Forced Color Black Game Settings: 2 minute rounds 10 rounds 50% zombies Maps: ONI Bridge ONI Bridge is a small map for 4-8 players. It has 2 grunt spawn chambers. Streets Streets is a larger map for 6-16 players. It has 4 grunt spawn chambers. Now you may be wondering why is this a preview it seems done. Well there are still a few bugs with the maps and gametype to workout. And it needs more testing. Also I like to build a hype. I apoligize for no screenshot of the grunt spawn chamber. I took one but it didnt load on bungie. To explain one it is a tube peice with a grav lift tilted sideways which pushes grunts into the map. I hope that explains it. I'd like as much feedback as I can get with suggestions for the game to make it more like the real bonus round, and suggestions on what map to make to complete the map pack.
Avalanche for the final map perhaps, looks cool though, i cant wati for release, although i suggest having the grunts be vulnerable to headshots if theyre not already.
ahh, just wanted to check, you didnt specify in your gametype description whether or not headshots were disabled or not
this concept seems pretty original. One problem is that to make it fun you would have to have 16 players, with only 4 max starting a ODSTs otherwise the grunts would get slaughtered and it would be no fun for them. Hope all the maps turn out well.
That's actually not true. Think of how easy it is to die during bonus rounds. And grunts hae fuel rod guns. After testing today most rounds weren't actually ended by time.
Actually guardian seems like a good place to build a map for this. Although it may not be as good as some others, blocking off the rooms of guardian would make a nice quick map that should play well with this. You could also have grunts spawn all around the center circle which humans must defend.
HAHAHAHAH . Looks great and funny i never think about this before . Wow continue to make map for this game style .
Not all grunts have fuel rod guns and most have plasma pistols, I suggest making it so only a few grunts get fuel rod guns if you haven't. And have infinite plasmas. Either way one charged pistol shot will drain their shields depending on the traits. Concept is original so I'm definitely going to have to try this one out when it's released. BTW, Bonus rounds are only 30 seconds long.
Actually there sixty but in this case it's about 1 minute 40. There is only 1 fuel rod gun per spawn. I might add needlers what do u think.