I remember you asking me if it'd be ok to make a map like mine or if I wanted to help you start making it, which brought me to believe that you started this after mine, but I don't remember clearly. Anyway it looks like it turned out great. The only problem I have with maps like this is the lack of lines of sight. Hollow pulled it off because of the rocky barriers. I tried to encorporate multiple elevations. I can't stand completly flat floors the whole map. You have at least one ramp on each side so thats a little better. I hope I can make the testing to see what its like.
Oh it has alot of elevation difference. Ramps leading to both bases and then ramps to the middle. Also the middle is a little sunken to so you have that up and down movement as you run across it. And what i meant was i had started this map like not kidding 2 days before your release. I think RC showed me your map like the day b4 and i was like **** i had a map similar to this. And yes AceOfSpades the map is symmetrical. The elevations for each base are different as well as the looks but the layout is 100% symmetrical.
Wow nice conquest map i really like your use of the forcefield for a waterfall and i agree with everyone else this kicks the hollows ass. My one suggestion is to but a blue light above the waterfall (or near it) to tint the surrounding stone.
Okay invites are sent, anyone else who wants to test is free too. Just message me via live and i'll invite you.