THIS IS THE INTRO MUSIC ok I joined this site about three weeks ago but had been using it to get maps for about a month before that AND I LOVE THIS SITE!! the maps are good and there is a nice community. Also im just wondering do people get a lot of warnings? i have gotten like six because i didnt read the rules and posted a bunch of "spam" then after i got that warning i got and infraction for necrobumping, which, when i read the rules didnt know what it was. now i have gotten couple more for these same two things (i broke the rules several times before they warned me). is this just me?! about me im 15 enjoy art, rap music, i draw graffiti, apparently white kids cant own spraypaint where i live, and enjoy halo. besides halo the best game of all time is track-mania!! woot woot! and last time i checked i was 34th in california (cuz im a kick-ass driver!!):happy: :haha:yess and vandalism IS fun :haha: ps Why the squrrel smilys?? :squirrel_rocking::squirrel_wtf:
Squirrel smileys are cool. You sound hyped up. Very hyped up. Maybe you should keep the spam/pointlessness to yourself. Consider what you are saying before you actually post it, and whether it is worthwhile. Yar, cya round.
Spam is short sentences with no thought. Necrobumping is posting on old threads. If you keep spamming and necrobumping, you will get warnings. I'm just surprised you haven't gotten many infractions if any if you have had this many warnings. You've been here awhile, but welcome to forgehub. And finally, squirrel smilies are awesome that's why. Do not be hating on the squirrel smilies or else.
There's your problem.. But Ace is spot on with Spamming and NecroPosting. Also stop making intro threads, you already made one and you dont need anymore.. Btw if you keep getting infractions, the system will ban you from the site for a period of time.
Uhh... Welcome to the site, but just a heads up... Keep your infractions private and never complain about getting one. And read the rules. Seriously.
Ouch. So, welcome to the site. I have already seen you posting on some of the same threads as me, you seem pretty nice, and not So yeah, just make sure you read the rules over carefully, maybe do some Googling if you don't know what some of the things are (Necrobumping). Have fun, i hope you enjoy the site!