Map: Rat Track Mode: Rollerball (loosely) Based on the 1974 Sci-fi Classic "Rollerball" with James Caan. In the movie, 2 teams of rollerskaters and motorcyclists compete on a circular track to gain possession of and score with a steel ball shot into the course by a cannon. Did I mention they punch each other to death with spiked gloves? The Halo 3 version pits 2 teams against each other for goals on a circular track. The Bomb spawns at one of 3 random spots along the centerline of the map. Each team has an array of weapons as well as a Warthog and a pair of Mongeese at their disposal. Rule adjustments Base Player Traits: - Primary Weapon - Plasma Pistol - Secondary Weapon - Battle Rifle - Speed - 150% - Gravity - 100% Bomb (Ball) Carrier: - Damage Modifier - Instant Kill - Speed - 150% - Gravity - 100% - Vehicle Use - Passenger only - Waypoint - Visible to all Other than the above, the only other changes are making the bomb fuse and timer "Instant." Track directionality (counter clockwise) is "enforced" by rows of man-cannons and Grav-lifts positioned at opposite sides of the track. These can be used to "leap" up to the ductwork: Players on foot have great speed, (to simulate rollerskates) but not quite as fast as traveling in a vehicle. Goals are located at all 4 "corners" of the track, adjacent to the teams' starting positions. Filmclips: Sample of gameplay Catastrophic goal kills 4
Well, to be completely open, I do not post anything here that I have not tested and gotten terrific feedback from the players on. Plus, I think it would help if you D/L'd and tried the map/mode before posting such an **opinion** which in one minute (the difference in our posting times) you clearly have not had enough time to do. No disrespect intended, except to return that which was dished out in my direction.
Looks pretty cool, I will have to check this out. Its weird when the maps were first released everyone was anticipating rat's nest to have a lot of race tracks since it is the outer ring but i have hardly seen any and you can't really count this.
I like the idea, it is like Canada style soccer (ie. Rugby/Paintball/Soccer/Racing/Football/Hockey/=Crazy) In other words, (Borat's voice) I like very much...