Wow, where was Partikuel taken? Longshore I assume? It looks very unique and simple. It is the best among your pictures in this thread. Nice job.
PartIkuel and fitiky are the best and i see you took my suggestion on taking pics in campagne. but i wouldnt try ODST unless you want a challenge because i heard it is really hard
I like the last two. 1st is so-so in my opinion and I can see the bottom which ruins it for me. 2nd is Way too bright. 3rd is a easy effect, but I still like it because it hasn't been used in that way to created a scenery shot. 4th is good scenery shot in general.
Partikuel is the best, I feel like Its watching had potential, but it is too bright. On the other hand, perhaps if you could get the elite bigger, the picture would be quite a bit more interesting.