Encryption! Hello Ever-one, This Is my new map! Story When The UNSC have found there most ancient unsc base they send a group of Spartans to investigate but what they don't know is that there is something else there...Something waiting for the perfect move. Weapons: -------------------- UNSC BASE! -------------------- Snipers - 2 Shotgun - 1 Maulers - 2 Magnum - 2 Battle Rifles - 2 Assault Rifles - 3 Rockets - 2 Sentinel Beam - 1 Machine Gun Turrets - 3 Missile Pod - 4 -------------------- ALIEN BASE! -------------------- Grav Hammer - 1 Missile Pod - 1 Beam Rifle - 1 Brute Shot - 1 Fuel Rod - 1 Mauler - 1 Plasma Rifle - 4 Carbine - 1 Needler - 2 Energy Sword - 1 Plasma Pistol - 2 --------------------- Pictures!!!! --------------------------- GameTypes: --------------------------- Team Slayer Snipers DOWNLOAD
This looks ok but im not gunna lie to you its a little messy and looks not very thought out. Your geomerges look good but this is a huge map and as far as i can see the only vehicle is the banshee which is pointless with 5 misslepods on the map. Also what is the point of the funnel under the scaffolding and why is there a teleporter there? 2.5/5 needs work
I agree with farbeef, you definitely need less missile pods, maybe cut it down to 1 or 2? also, a overview shot of the map would be great, although i can see multiple vehicles, i think less missile pods would be better.